Step by step to cook tuna croquettes with chickpeas

Learn about the preparation that brings to cook a delicious dish and surprise your family with your culinary skills.




The recipe of the day with a delicious dish to cook and surprise your family. This is tuna croquettes with chickpeas, a food that can be eaten as a snack or during lunch hours. Fish allows you to have energy to carry out daily activities.

Chickpea is also known as an important food when eating stews on a Monday. What better way to combine both flavors in the form of croquettes and enjoy the flavor it contains. In that sense, you must test your culinary skills so that you know if you are ready for the world of cooking.

On the other hand, brings a simple recipe, for newbies. They are two servings with a preparation time of 15 minutes and cooking time of 15 minutes in order to follow the procedures in order. Do not forget any ingredients and follow the preparation without forgetting any details. Below you will have an explanatory video as a support. Without further ado, time to cook.


- Canned tuna - 1 (can)

- Cooked chickpeas - 2 (cups)

- Coriander - 2 (handfuls)

- Cumin - (to taste)

- Chopped Red Onion - 4 (tablespoons)

- Liquefied Garlic - 2 (teaspoons)

- Breadcrumbs - (quantity required)

- Salt and Pepper - (to taste)

- Mayonnaise - 3 (tablespoons)

- finely chopped cilantro - 1 (tablespoonful)

- Lemon - 1 (unit)

- Salt and Pepper - (to taste)


- We start by blending the 2 cups of cooked chickpea with 2 handfuls of cilantro leaves, add 1/4 cup of boiled water and a little more if necessary.

- Pour the smoothie into a bowl, add cumin to taste, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion, 1 teaspoon of liquefied garlic, breadcrumbs and salt to taste. Integrate to form a dough like that of the stuffed potato. Refrigerate.

- Remove and reserve the oil from the tuna preserve. In a bowl, pour the contents of the preserve, add 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion, 1/2 teaspoon of liquefied garlic, salt and pepper to taste, integrate and set aside.

- Place a little dough in the palm of your hand, fill with the tuna, close and shape into spheres, keep refrigerated until frying time.

- In a bowl, add the oil of the preserve (optional), 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoonful of finely chopped cilantro, the juice of 1 lemon, salt and pepper to taste, integrate and refrigerate to make the sauce more dense.

- Fry the croquettes in plenty of oil on medium-high heat for 2 or 3 minutes.

- Serve hot, accompany with the sauce.



According to the 2016 resolution, the United Nations declared May 2 World Tuna Day with the intention of “raising awareness of the value of tuna, the threats faced by tuna stocks and the economic and social benefits of managing tuna stocks sustainably, and sharing better practices in this regard”.

This also allows “many countries to rely heavily on tuna resources for their food security and nutrition, economic development, employment, tax revenues, livelihoods, culture and recreation.”


