National Government opens call to finance 580 youth projects: this is how you can apply

The initiative, entitled 'Plan T', is led by the Presidential Council for Youth, and will seek to support young people between the ages of 14 and 28. Here all the details

The national government opened this Friday, April 1, the 'PLant' call, an initiative through which they will finance 580 youth projects that are part of councils, platforms, collectives, practices, organizations and youth patches.

As announced by the Presidential Adviser for Youth, Juan Sebastián Arango Cárdenas, the call will be addressed to young people between the ages of 14 and 28 who belong to the population of African descent, women, indigenous, LGBTIQ+, with disabilities, migrants and victims of the armed conflict.

The initiative, which was born in partnership between the Presidential Council for Youth and the Resilient Youth Program #EfectoColectivo, of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the non-profit organization ACDI/VOCA, aims to help more than 3,000 young people in Colombia, with projects that promote youth leadership and participation.

The director of the Resilient Youth Program #EfectoColectivo, of USAID and ACDI/VOCA, Ricardo Amaya, also announced that, of the 580 youth projects selected in the call, 80 will be directly funded by these non-profit organizations.

“We believe that youth have ideas and proposals that benefit their communities. That is why we bet on the PLant, because it is an initiative that gives them autonomy in their projects and also seed capital to make it happen. Of the 580 patches and youth organizations benefited, 80 will be directly supported by the Program in the 28 municipalities where we have a presence,” said Amaya.

1. Be between 14 and 28 years old

2. Be young people with disabilities, displaced persons, young men, indigenous people, LGBTIQ+ youth, young migrants, young women and young victims of the armed conflict.

3. Have one of the following organizations or initiatives:

- Formally constituted: those that have legal personality and registration with the competent authority.

- Not formally constituted: those that do not have legal personality have legal recognition that is achieved through a private document.

- Informal: those that are generated spontaneously and do not fit a single goal or that when they achieve it disappear.

1. Visit the website of the national government program 'Young Colombia':

2. At the bottom of the page you will find the 'Sign Up Here' button. Click on it.

3. The page will redirect you to a web form which you must complete with the information about the project, how long it has been running, among others.

4. Once you have filled in all the information, you must click on the button at the bottom of the 'Save Registration' page and you will officially be applied for the call.

Projects that meet the requirements will be evaluated by a committee consisting of representatives of the Presidential Council for Youth and ACDI VOCA, who will be responsible for verifying that each initiative meets the requirements.

The results will be announced monthly until the closing date of the call, which will be on June 20, through the website of each project.

If you want to know the full information about the program, you can go to the website:, where you will find an outline on the call for 'Plan T'.