Employment Insabi: this is how you can apply to Edomex with salaries of up to 41 thousand pesos

The Maternal Hospital of Texcoco is looking for doctors, nurses, pediatricians, among others

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO 20JULIO2021.- Pese a qué en la zona de urgencias del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias hay un cartel donde se indica que solo se atenderán casos de COVID-19 en la entrada general resalta un cartel con la leyenda "Sin disponibilidad hospitalaria" lo que ha confundido a capitalinos que acuden en búsqueda de atención. Por otro lado en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Subirán, mantiene una constante atención a personas confirmadas con coronavirus, así mismo una constante en entradas ambulatorias. FOTO: ROGELIO MORALES /CUARTOSCURO.COM

If you are a doctor, nurse, or even a dentist, then this information might interest you, as the Institute of Health for Welfare (Insabi) has launched a new call to work in a hospital in the State of Mexico.

Below we will tell you which clinics require a new member, the salary they offer depending on the position, as well as how to register to fill the vacancies.

According to information from Insabi, general practitioners are required, as well as specialists in anesthesiology, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics. The hospitals to work for are Maternal Hospital of Texcoco, Coatlinchán in the Edomex.

Salaries range from 41,784 pesos to more than 35,000 pesos, as the case may be and for a period of at least 4 months.

Los sueldos son de más de 35 mil pesos. (Foto: Cuartoscuro)

How to apply?

*Interested parties should access the following website: medicosdelbienestar.salud.gob.mx

*You will also need to integrate the following documentation:

-Curricular synthesis with photography.

-Official identification.

-Birth certificate.

-Tax identification card.

-Unique Population Register Key (CURP).

-Proof of address.

-Title and professional ID.

-Printing of consultation in the national register of professionals of each of the professional certificates.

In addition, the Institute of Health announced what are the requirements to be able to participate in this call.

Médicos realizan pruebas de COVID-19. (Foto: Cuartoscuro)


-Have a Single Folio of Registry (FUR) of the Physicians of Welfare program.

-Be a Mexican citizen, or foreigner whose immigration status allows the exercise of the corresponding profession.

-Have an academic degree and professional certificate.

-Not be disabled for federal public service.

-Not to be part of a trial.

-Not being in an INSABI contract.

According to the Institute, the validity of the call remains open. If you want to consult the rules, you will have to go to the following link. Here.

Insabi collaborates in the mental health model based on Primary Health Care

This is an Insabi project to improve health services in the country, which is why it will seek to improve the infrastructure of health units, strengthen federal health units operationally and with resources and promote research.

According to information, mental disorders affect nearly 30 percent of the country's population. Three million people are addicted to alcohol, 13 million are smokers and nearly half a million people are addicted to psychotropic drugs.

The director general of the Institute of Health for Welfare (Insabi), Juan Antonio Ferrer Aguilar, Insabi contributes to the Ministry of Health and federal agencies focused on mental health and addiction, to develop a mental health model based on Primary Health Care (PHC), through two objectives strategic: realizing the right to mental health with a community model and ensuring access to care in mental health, addiction and primary mental disorders.