Coxsackie virus: How to prevent infections among children?

According to health specialists, the population most vulnerable to coxsackie are young children under the age of four. This disease has caused an alert in Pucallpa for cases recorded in recent days.

The beginning of the school year in Peru has been marked by recent cases of the coxsackie virus detected in Pucallpa. According to the first information from Diresa, the initial schools Victoria Barcia Boniffatti, Santa Rosa, Casita del Saber and Elvira García García were the first to make official reports of symptoms in minors, who were transferred to the nearest health centers to receive adequate care.

According to specialists, the disease of the hands, feet and mouth presents an outbreak in the summer and autumn seasons, due to contact between people and because there is no proper hygiene. Although the symptoms may be confused with those of COVID-19, the pediatric infectiologist at the Guillermo Almenara National Hospital, John Cabrera, ruled out that it is a similar condition , since this is temporary and has no greater impact on those infected.

What has been recommended is that any type of self-diagnosis and/or self-medication should be avoided, since this should be defined only by the medical personnel receiving the case.


Epidemiologist Mayra Saavedra de Diresa Ucayali explains that it is a viral a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" disease, eruptive and human-to-human transmission through contaminated hands and respiratory tract, therefore, it is rapidly spreading. It belongs to the family Picornaviridae, of the genus enterovirus, so called because they multiply in the intestine after ingesting food or water unfit for consumption.

Alerta en Ucayali: reportan más de 50 casos probables de coxsackie en Pucallpa


Taking into account that with the beginning of the school year in Peru, minors are exposed to any type of acquisition of bacteria and/or viruses, it is for this reason that instructions must be given to constantly wash their hands and have their food disinfected.

According to Cabrera, the recommendation for parents is that they talk to their children to ask them that when they feel any kind of discomfort or symptoms, this is immediately communicated to the teacher so that they are separated from the student group and transferred to a medical center so that they can give a proper diagnosis.



According to the records of the National Institute of Health (INS), in the summer of 2016, a variety of cases were presented in a hospital in Callao in children and adults, with symptoms compatible with EMPB; the diagnosis was clinical, supportive therapy was applied with final resolution of symptoms. In the last decade, reports have been reported in some countries with atypical involvement caused by the coxsackie A6, resulting in more extensive lesions and in adults. However, the diagnosis is still clinical, requiring only virological confirmation in atypical cases or when the diagnosis is not clear.

In Peru, there are few reports of outbreaks of PBS in children and adults in recent years. It is important for public health to be aware of the outbreaks of emerging and reemerging diseases that have been taking place worldwide, and which include severe and fulminant forms that have not yet been reported in Peru.


The Diresa specialist reported that the following telephone lines have been set up: 061-787927, 061-787933, 061-788053 and 951 642 156, for personnel from the Integral Intervention Team to come to the applicant's home, from 07:30 to 18:30 hours, and verify that it is the coxsackie virus.

The Regional Directorate of Health urges families and schools to increase hygiene measures at home such as hand washing, keeping nails short. Increase fluid consumption and control the temperature of the child.