The Great National Sembraton, a commitment to restore ecosystems in Colombia

The conference, which will be led by the Ministry of Environment between 22 and 29 April, seeks to contribute to achieving the national goal of 180 million trees planted by 2022


The Ministry of Environment announced that between Friday, April 22, the date on which Earth Day is commemorated, and the 29th of that same month, the day on which Arbor Day is celebrated, will be held the Great National Sowing, an initiative that seeks to contribute to the goal of planting 180 million trees in Colombia by 2022.

This was announced by the Minister of Environment, Carlos Eduardo Correa, who explained that these massive days of planting native trees, which will be monitored and monitored by environmental authorities, provide benefits such as the filtration of urban pollutants and small particles; the regulation of water flow and improve their quality, mitigate climate change by absorbing CO2; and conserving and increasing urban biodiversity by providing habitat, food and protection to plants and animals.

“When we plant a tree, we sow life. I invite all Colombians to join us around this national day. We are going to tell the world once again that Colombia is a major player in the global fight against climate change and that through trees we will make Colombia breathe better. We have already reported the planting of more than 118 million trees across the country. It is with facts that we are achieving it,” said the head of the Ambiente portfolio.

This initiative is carried out within the framework of the 'Respira' program, which seeks to contribute to the education, conservation and restoration of the country's ecosystems, which was recently launched to generate ownership of environmental education, biodiversity and awareness of the natural resources that represent one of the great riches of Colombia.

Where to sow?

For individuals or institutions interested in taking part in the days of the Great National Sembraton, they must choose a native plant of their locality with a height greater than 30 centimeters, they must also choose a place to carry out the planting, ensure that this place is not rough with rocky soils, with high slopes, with high levels of erosion or mass movements; avoid perimeters with passage of high voltage cables, pipelines of aqueducts, gas pipelines or oil pipelines.

How to do it?

“First, a hole should be dug that is twice the size of the plant's transport container and at least 30 centimeters wide; second, remove the surrounding herbs that prevent growth; third, the plant should be placed inside the hollow with the root stretched, so that the stem is at ground level; fourthly, the soil must be added with the fertilizer (organic, manure from farm animals); fifthly, it is recommended to compact well around it to remove the air, and, finally, moisten the plant with enough water,” said the Ministry of Environment.

Finally, the portfolio invited those participating in the conference to report the sowing on the entity's counter located at or through the 'Respira 2030' application, while calling for planting native species.

