Senator Germán Martínez lashed out at AMLO for statements about drug series: “It's useless and not comforting”

Martínez Cázares accused the López Obrador administration of “wringing the package” to a streaming platform

The senator for the plural group Germán Martínez Cázares criticized the statements of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) in which he accused that series that expose stories related to drug trafficking in Mexico from a streaming platform where “rosy worlds are painted”.

At a press conference, Martínez Cázares accused the López Obrador administration of “wringing the package” to a ibstreaming platform, which he called “useless”, since, according to his statements, “it does not comfort the victims”.

“Blaming the media, at the end of the day is a means, because it is to slip the bundle of condolence; a government that does not deal with the victims is useless, a prosecutor's office that does not deal with the victims is useless, that simple. The first condition for an effective state in the fight against crime is that it hurts the deaths of Mexicans and Mexicans who are dying victims of violence,” said the senator.

Germán Martínez reacted to AMLO's statements about drug series (Photo: Screenshot)

During his morning press conference on March 31, López Obrador assured that his administration has made efforts to prevent drug use from increasing. In addition, he insisted that consumption is not only limited to health issues, since production and trafficking also generate violence in the Republic, with young people being one of the most affected sectors.

“We deal with these issues like this, openly, because if not everything is handled in series, where they even paint rosy worlds, criminal gangs, drug traffickers, with actors, men, beautiful women; residences, latest model cars, jewelry, branded clothes, power, how they subdue authorities and that world of series, but this is not known another and it hurts a lot, the destruction especially of young people and we are talking about thousands of deaths,” said López Obrador.

Likewise, the Chief Executive pointed out that 75% of the intentional homicides recorded in the country are linked to organized crime, this being another of the main problems in raising the discussion about the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana.

AMLO launched itself against series that portray drug trafficking in Mexico (Photo: Instagram/ @Narcos)

However, the Chief Executive denied that the specialist committees exempt consideration of such permissibility for medical use, since, he noted, several coverups of synthetic drugs have been detected with requests from laboratories.

“But it doesn't happen like that. Synthetic drugs have been seized and go to laboratories and are even routes for supposedly delivering these substances in different regions of the country. And there are no laboratories, they are private houses”, he said.

According to the report of the Secretary of Defense (Sedena), cocaine is the main drug that “moves” in Mexico, mainly from central and southern America.

From 2018 to 2022, 73,834 kilograms of cocaine were confiscated (Photo: EFE/Jacinto Canek/Archive)

The head of the agency, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, said that from 2018 to 2022 73,834 kilograms worth just over 19,503 million pesos were confiscated. Meanwhile, the years with the highest records of seizures were between 2019 and 2020, with 19,931 and 27,712 kilograms respectively.

With regard to trafficking in precursors and chemicals for the creation of synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl, amphetamines and methamphetamines as well as LSD, they were found to come mainly from the Asian continent, and are transported by sea, arriving at the Mexican ports of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacán, Mazatlan, Sinaloa and Manzanillo, Colima.