Sabine Moussier remembered when Thalia's mother saved her life

The actress had to go through a misdiagnosis because the doctors could not find what disease she was suffering from, but Yolanda Miranda helped her




Sabine Moussier revealed that Yolanda Miranda Mange, Thalia's mother, “saved her life” after receiving a misdiagnosis and going through severe pain.

In an interview with the program Hoy, Sabine Moussier recalled one of the most difficult moments she has experienced due to health problems, when she was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, which caused her to suffer from severe pain.

“They take fluid out of my bone marrow and tell me that I have sensitive Guillain-Barré, everything hurt me, it was horrible, then they put me in, they put cortisone, Guillain-Barré paralyzes you from the bottom up,” recalled the actress of Abyss of Passion.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a condition that mainly attacks nerves and its main symptoms are pain and muscle weakness. This syndrome can lead to total paralysis, which is why it is classified as fatal.

Sabine agradeció a Thalía y Yolanda Miranda por ayudarla a encontrar que sufría de Lyme y no del síndrome de Guillain-Barré (Foto: Instagram/@sabinaoficial)

In the midst of her torment, Sabine received a call from Thalia's mother, who wanted to know her symptoms to verify that the actress did not suffer from Guillain-Barré, but from another condition that could be cured if diagnosed early.

Yolanda was aware that Moussier's illness was not about Guillain-Barré because the interpreter of I don't remember would have had the same symptoms as the actress, but they didn't have a similar diagnosis.

“One day Yolanda talks to me, rest in peace, Thalia's mother, and she says to me: 'You don't have fibromyalgia, nor Guillain-Barré, you have Lyme', she said: 'Thalia has Lyme' and there are two doctors, one in New York and the other in Mexico, and yes, it was Lyme, so not that it was a bad lie, but a bad diagnosis”, recalled the histrionist of Valentina's Wedding.

Yolanda Mange habrís sido persona clave para que Sabine obtuviera un buen diagnóstico y fuera tratada de forma correcta (Foto: Instagram/@thalia)

Lyme is a disease caused by bacteria and presents with flu-like symptoms, mainly having muscle aches. Sabine listened to Yolanda, so she went to another doctor, who would have confirmed that she did suffer from Lyme and not Guillain Barré syndrome.

After finding out that she was suffering from Lyme and treated, Sabine contacted Thalia to talk to her about the disease they both suffered from. He said he had a pleasant conversation with her, so he thanked Yolanda and her daughter for helping her find her true suffering and return her from “death”, as she already felt lifeless.

Sabine confesó que fue gracias a sus hijos que afrontó la enfermedad pese al más pronóstico que tenía (Foto: Instagram/@sabineoficial)

In previous interviews for Hoy, the actress confessed that the symptoms she suffered during the first months of the disease led her to have negative thoughts. Since doctors had assured her that she would surely remain in a vegetable state in a few years, she thought of taking her own life so as not to burden her children.

According to Moussier, when she was still suffering from muscle aches, she felt “dead while alive,” she said at a meeting with the press. The doctors who had seen her told her that she probably suffered from different ailments, none of which gave her an encouraging future.

It would have been until Yolanda Miranda contacted her to say that she surely had Lyme that they started giving her antibiotics, that way she was able to return to normal. When she began to suffer from symptoms from the disease, Sabine decided to stay away from the cameras, she was constantly being studied to arrive at a diagnosis, and she stopped doing different activities that she could not do because of the pain.


