Electricity reform is not a statist or expropriation initiative: AMLO

He said that in the meeting with the United States Special Envoy for Climate, John Kerry and American businessmen, it was clarified that the reform remains as it is. He assured that he will send them the initiative “so that they know it well”

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 20DICIEMBRE2021.- Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente de México, encabezó la conferencia mañanera de este lunes donde junto a su gabinete de seguridad, integrado por Rosa Icela Rodríguez, titular de la Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana (SSPC), Luis Cresencio Sandoval, titular de la Defensa, Rafael Ojeda, secretario de Marina, Luis Bucio, comandante de la Guardia Nacional y Ricardo Sheffield, titular de la PROFECO, presentaron el informe de seguridad durante los tres años de gobierno del mandatario mexicano. Posteriormente se entregará el Águila Azteca al canciller de Francia. FOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) said that in his meeting on Thursday with the United States Special Envoy for Climate, John Kerry; the US Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar and American Union entrepreneurs in the energy sector, Mexico clarified that the electricity reform is not it is a statist or expropriatory initiative.

From the National Palace, where he led his traditional morning conference, López Obrador stressed that the meeting clarified that Mexico does not promote dirty energy.

“Yesterday (Thursday) we were with Mr. Kerry with businessmen and they were explained the reason for this initiative and apparently they felt taken care of and satisfied because it is not true that the initiative has to do with promoting dirty energy. It's not true that we don't mind producing solar, wind, water energy in hydroelectric plants. We are making a lot of effort because we are no longer going to create any plants that produce energy with coal. We have 3 coal plants: 2 in Coahuila and one in Guerrero and they are working at 50% of their capacities and we have them worked because many people in Coahuila live from coal extraction and are being helped, but compared to what is produced from coal energy in China and the US, it is nothing,” said AMLO.

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