SAT: how to obtain the Proof of Tax Status from the Treasury website

Recently, the Tax Administration Service announced that the option to generate the Tax Proof of Status via CIF of the SAT ID application will be disabled, so taxpayers will only be able to obtain this document online

El logo del Servicio de
El logo del Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) se ve en sus oficinas en Ciudad de México, México 26 de mayo de 2017. Fotografía tomada el 26 de mayo de 2017. REUTERS / Carlos Jasso/ Foto de archivo

The Tax Administration Service (SAT) indicated that the Proof of Fiscal Situation procedure can no longer be carried out through the SAT ID app, so taxpayers will have to do so on the website of the agency belonging to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP). This procedure is important as it contains the taxpayer's data, the tax address, the Federal Register of Taxpayers (RFC) and the business activities for which you bill to earn income.

Often, the Proof of Tax Status is requested by employers as a requirement for recruitment, as it serves to verify their registration with the SAT. In the case of legal entities, customers may request this document to determine whether the company in question is properly incorporated or not.

Another space where they usually request the document is in banking or financial institutions to grant loans or loans to taxpayers who request it or, failing that, to open accounts.

Taxpayers will be able to generate the Proof of Tax Status and the Tax Identification Card through the official SAT website (PHOTO: MARIO JASSO/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

In addition, employers have recently been able to request this document in order to update electronic invoicing 4.0, in which the name and tax address of the issuer and receiver of the Digital Tax Invoice Online (CFDI) must be included on a mandatory basis, and new fields will be included to identify operations where goods are exported or whether transactions stopped by the vouchers are subject to indirect taxes.

To generate the document, taxpayers will have to go to the SAT website and select the “Other Procedures and Services” module. Afterwards, they will have to search and select the submenu of “Generate your Proof of Tax Status” or, failing that, they will be able to enter directly at the following link: and perform the following steps:

1. Type RFC, password and capture the CAPTCHA code that appears on the screen

2. Once inside the site and look for the button that says “Generate Constancy”

3. Download the document generated by the website automatically, save it and print it if necessary

Using the SAT ID application, taxpayers will also be able to renew their e-signature or electronic signature, as long as it has not expired; otherwise, they must go to one of the Treasury modules or offices to obtain the unique and encrypted file with which they can carry out tax procedures online and through the SAT. Here are the steps to carry out the procedure online:

The option to generate the Proof of Tax Status via CIF of the SAT ID application will be disabled, so taxpayers will only be able to obtain this document online (Photo: SAT)

1. RFC a 13 dígitos.

2. Personal email account.

3. 10-digit cell phone number

4. Attachment with an official identification (INE, passport, valid professional ID with photograph, INAPAM credential).

5. Confirmation of identity through a video

6. Sign the application

For their part, in order to generate the Tax Identification Card (CIF), interested parties will have to generate it from the official SAT website through the following steps:

1. Enter the “Other Procedures and Services” module on the SAT page or enter the following link:

2. Click on the “RUN ONLINE” button

3. Enter RFC, password or e.signature and capture the CAPTCHA code

4. Click on the “Generate CIF” button

5. View, download and print the document if necessary

