Patricia Chirinos calls Hernán Condori a 'share of the other Vladi' and Waldemar Cerrón asks that he withdraw the word

The parliamentarian of Avanza Pais also mentioned that the President of the Republic has given the direction of health policies to a 'lackey from Cerrón'.


This Thursday, at around 12 noon, the debate of the plenary of the Congress of the Republic began to vote for motion of censure against the Minister of Health, Hernán Condori. This proposal was presented last week by the Avanza País bench, where Congressman Diego Bazán, promoted the measure in against the current Minister of Health, Hernán Condori, days after the minister appeared before Congress to answer various questions in the interpellation process.

In order to censure a minister, 66 votes are needed, according to the Legislative regulation. If this number is reached, the official must resign and the President of the Republic has 72 hours to accept the resignation.

According to Bazán, 33 signatures have been obtained from legislators, which belong to the banks of Avanza Pais, Popular Renewal, Together for Peru, Alliance for Progress, Somos Peru, Acción Popular. The non-grouped congressmen Carlos Anderson, Enrique Wong, Susel Paredes, Flor Pablo and Edward Málaga also signed.

In the middle of the debate, it was the turn of the Avanza País parliamentarian, Patricia Chirinos, who called the minsa head 'share of the other Vladi' and ' Lackey de Cerrón'.

“This censorship should not be another one in a boring and repetitive cycle in which the government is laughing at the population and national representation. It should not be a censure that ends in the appointment of someone who is more unpresentable than Minister Condori, if he can be called that. We know well the thousands of questions that are asked of the Lord, but above all we know that the minister is a quota of the another Vladi , because Vladimir Cerrón asked Pedro Castillo to put it and he accepted; the President of the Republic has literally given the direction of health policies to a lackey from Cerrón, being one of the countries most affected by the pandemic in the world,” Chirinos told the plenary.

In addition, he stressed that censorship must and must be a protest against the “mediocre and criminal” form of government that the Peruvian State has captured.

“As one political analyst said, President Castillo's government is the 'Choclito band' and the real opposition must raise its voice, because the morals of this country are at stake. The president must know that if he puts an incapable person of that kind again, we will continue to propose and approve motions of censure,” the parliamentarian added.

At that time, the parliamentarian and spokesman for Peru Libre, Waldemar Cerrón asked the President of the Congress, María del Carmen Alva that Congresswoman Chirinos withdraw the floor.

“Miss and colleagues, this is a Congress where we must present our ideas, I ask you to withdraw the word of the other Vladi, friend of Patricia Chirinos. We are talking here about a doctor, Vladimir Cerrón and if you want to say something, say it by name. If there is a criminal organization that proves it, I therefore ask you to withdraw the floor, for the sake of Congress. Nobody is anyone's lackey, please keep in mind that here we go to the bottom, not disguising topics,” he said.

I don't have the pleasure of meeting a 'Vladi', I withdraw the word, Patricia Chirinos replied.

Finally, the parliamentarian ended her speech by mentioning that the conduct of the State is not a joke and reiterated “that it cannot be handled like the “Choclito Band”.

“We, the real opposition, will not give up (...). At Avanza Pais, we will continue in the relentless search for political control and oversight. President Castillo is warned and if he doesn't start taking an interest in the country all at once, we will strategize again and again until the country has the government it really deserves, he concluded.

