Gustavo Adolfo Infante apologized to Mauricio Martínez after being accused of disqualifying victims of sexual violence

The host also decided to ask him for a public apology at the start of his program; this would be the first request fulfilled, a protocol on sexual violence that histrion went to


During the March 31 broadcast on Sale El Sol, the entertainment journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante offered an apology at the beginning of the morning for Mexican history, Mauricio Martínez, whom he disqualified in a last broadcast along with the victims of sexual violence.

This was derived after in a previous broadcast of his program, the host commented on the air his dissatisfaction with the fact that actor Mauricio Martínez had not wanted to give him an interview to talk about the sexual abuse that he experienced years ago by his former manager, Antonio Berumen.

“I made an expression that I feel sad and ashamed today, because I said that (Mauricio) did not give interviews and I don't want to repeat it, because I don't want to revictimize a victim like Mr. Mauricio Martínez. I know I was insensitive in expressing myself that way about a person who had to return from the American Union to put a complaint against a person on ink and paper 20 years ago,” argued the driver of Sale el Sol.

Gustavo Adolfo Infante offered an apology to the Mexican historian, Mauricio Martínez Photo: Sale El Sol
Gustavo Adolfo Infante offered an apology to the Mexican historian, Mauricio Martínez Photo: Sale El Sol

I understand that we each have our time, the moment, to break the silence. And, of course, Grupo Imagen, Imagen, Television, the morning Sun Comes Out, all my colleagues, who didn't say a single word, it was me, and I take responsibility for what I said, I offer an apology to Mr. Mauricio Martínez and to all the victims if they felt insulted or offended,” he also stressed entertainment journalist.

Finally, he stressed that he will not use language that violates victims of sexual violence: “Mauricio I offer you an apology and to all those abused girls who, unfortunately, exist in this country, I promise not to refer to me like that again and I will embrace Mauricio”, he concluded.

This public apology is part of a protocol that the fellow Mexican singer attended, with the organization Nosotras para ellas and where they asked for a public apology from Infante, in addition to asking that the journalist receive information about sexual violence, as well as encouraging the company to have a guide to dealing with this type of conduct, as well as guarantees of non-repetition.

Mauricio Martínez We for them
The organization disseminated the letter demanding the communicator to offer a public apology to Mauricio Martínez (Photo: Screenshot)

For them, we condemned the statements of the communicator in a document published to the press.

“It is inconceivable that on national television, a host disqualifies, revictimizes and humiliates a victim by calling him “the raped” for the simple fact that he does not want to give him an interview, questioning and without any knowledge of how these issues are publicly dealt with within the field of human rights,” reads the document disseminated among the media.

“The responsibility that the driver's speech has must be assumed not only on a public figure that is the focus of a specific case, but on the thousands of people who do not want to open their personal issues for people like Mr. Infante and that for communication formats such as those that Grupo Imagen has not been careful,” said the group that recommended training Grupo Imagen employees in dealing with cases of sexual violence.

gustavo adolf
The celebrity told his work routine and admitted that he was wrong (Photo: Twitter)

The letter has been circulated virally after the fellow radio communicator was upset on March 29, after the Mexican actor disparaged show programs to go to other types of news outlets to present his case.

“The one who should learn is Mauricio Martínez. He sees us all like that on the top because he was raped. Because he was raped, he doesn't give an interview to show programs. She just goes with Adela Micha that nobody sees her... her lawyers are morons. It is not promotion, but tomorrow when I go with Adela and go with the news, I don't want to know anything as a discriminator”, were the words of Gustavo Adolfo in the last week of March.