Colombians stopped worrying about the coronavirus: Invamer Survey

In the most recent survey, the biggest concerns of citizens are due to the economy, unemployment and corruption

Una enfermera pone una vacuna del fabricante Pfizer-BioNTech contra la Covid-19 durante una jornada de vacunación para personal médico, en la Plaza de los Artesanos, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/ Carlos Ortega/Archivo
Una enfermera pone una vacuna del fabricante Pfizer-BioNTech contra la Covid-19 durante una jornada de vacunación para personal médico, en la Plaza de los Artesanos, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/ Carlos Ortega/Archivo

This Thursday, the latest Invamer Poll poll poll was released, in which 1,200 people were questioned about the perception of the country in the current government of Iván Duque. 84% of Colombians believe that things are getting worse and among their biggest concerns are the economy and unemployment along with corruption.

The respondents were asked: “What is Colombia's main problem at the moment?” 33% said it was the economy and unemployment, 25% said it was corruption, 14% said it was public order and security, and despite the fact that the covid-19 pandemic has not yet ended, the coronavirus obtained a figure very close to 0%.

On the other hand, 14% of the population that participated expressed concern about the problems of childhood, education, drug trafficking, health, laws, public services, among other issues.

Of the issues that concern Colombians, Invamer Poll asked the respondents whether or not they consider that they are improving. The figures revealed that the perception in all aspects is negative.

In the first case, 89% have the perception that the economy is not improving, while 9% consider that it is. In the face of unemployment, the figures are similar, since 84 per cent answered no and 11 per cent said yes.

With regard to corruption, only 3% have a perception of improvement, while 93% think otherwise. Likewise, their stance on the fight against poverty is also negative: 82 per cent believe that it has not improved and 12 per cent believe it has.

The negative figures in the Duque government remain on other issues: with regard to insecurity, 96% of participants feel that it has worsened; 94% of respondents do not see a positive change in the cost of living; 79% of the perception of Venezuelan migrants is not favorable, and 78% think the same with regard to the handling of Venezuelan migrants with regard to support for the countryside and agriculture.

Approval of the president and mayors

Another question in the survey revealed whether or not citizens approved the administration of President Iván Duque. 73% view the administration of the president negatively, while 23% have a favourable perception.

The survey also questioned the participants whether they saw things getting better or not in some cities of the country.

In the case of Bogotá, in the Claudia López administration, 400 people were surveyed. Of these, 86 per cent consider that the situation has not improved and 11 per cent do see a positive change. In the face of the mayor's approval, 66% have a negative image of the local president and 29% approve her discharge.

In Medellín, 200 people participated, of whom 58% believe that there is no improvement in Daniel Quintero's administration and 39% think otherwise. The mayor had a 48% approval level, while 44% disagreed with his management.

With regard to Cali, in the administration of Jorge Iván Ospina, 200 people were surveyed. Of these, 84% consider that the situation has not improved and 11% do see a positive change. In the face of the mayor's approval, 72% have a negative image of the local president and 21% approve her discharge.

It should be recalled that the Invamer survey was conducted in person in the homes of the people who agreed to participate. The poll was conducted between March 25 and 29.

