Colombia invested $655 billion pesos in 30 airports

The works include maintenance, adaptation, rehabilitation of tracks, among others


With an investment of more than $655 billion pesos, the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics is developing works in 30 air terminals in the country to guarantee the provision of the service.

Bogota's El Dorado Airport

There are three projects worth $144,295 million, which are expected to be delivered approximately in June and July.

The first project involves the rehabilitation of the south runway and routine maintenance of the airside areas of the airport, worth $74.07 billion. The second is for the completion of the Lima taxiway, construction of the box culvert (overpass) and complementary works for $66,775 million. Finally, the third project consists of carrying out the comprehensive maintenance of the search, rescue service, control tower and the Aeronautical Management Center, which has a value of $3,449 million.

Guillermo Leon Valencia Popayan Airport

$58.113 million pesos have been invested in two works, which will be delivered, according to the schedules, between the months of June and July.

The first project is the construction of the terminal building and the airport platform for $56,957 million. In the second work, infrastructure maintenance is being carried out. These works are scheduled to be delivered between the months of June and July of this year.

Reyes Murillo de Nuqui Airport (Choco)

With a total investment of $57,443 million, improvements are being made to the airport, such as the expansion of the runway, the adaptation of safety strips and maintenance on the ground side and the air side. This project will be delivered in August.

Antonio Nariño de Pasto Airport

In the capital of Nariño, a project to modernize the airport is being carried out, in which $51.35 billion of the $56.35 billion budgeted for the work has been invested. According to Civil Aeronautics, 89,587 square meters of runway and 177,062 square meters of security areas have been rehabilitated. Among the pending actions are the drainage and routine maintenance works of the air and land side areas, which will be completed by the month of September.

Almirante Padilla de Riohacha Airport

With an investment of $42,275 million, the runway and taxiway are being rehabilitated, in addition to the security zones and the construction of the drainage and routine maintenance system are being built. This work must be completed by the month of August.

Alfonso López Pumarejo de Valledupar Airport

With an investment of $28,924 million, works are being carried out on the rehabilitation of the runway and taxiway, adaptation of channels and security areas, which must be delivered in August.

Simon Bolivar de Santa Marta Airport

With an investment of $1,150 million, the maintenance of the airport will be carried out, which should be completed in July.

Las Mercedes de El Plato Airport (Magdalena)

In this air terminal, $1.099 million is being invested for phase II of the concrete lining of the canals, in addition to the maintenance of the air side and the ground side.

Baracoa de Magangue Airport (Bolivar)

$1,446 million is being invested for the construction of phase II of the access road, in addition to urbanism and maintenance and should be ready by July.

In addition to these works, studies and designs are being carried out for the construction of the Rescue and Fire Extinguishing (SEI) base in the cities of La Guajira, Cesar and Bolivar. This project will have a value of $1,114 million and should be completed by the month of May.

