César Nakazaki: “Alberto Fujimori will not be released from prison until the Inter-American Court decides on 6 April”

Fujimori's lawyer reported that the Inter-American Court will discuss this Friday whether or not the provisional or precautionary measures are appropriate and the merits hearing will be held on March 6.


César Nakazaki, lawyer of former President Alberto Fujimori, considered that his defendant could not be released until the Court decides Inter-American Human Rights (Inter-American Court H.R.) at its session on April 6.

In practical terms, in order not to make a legal explanation, yes, I believe that President Fujimori will not be released until what is finally decided on April 6,” Nakazaki said in an interview with RPP.


The lawyer reported that the Inter-American Court will discuss this Friday at 2:00 in the afternoon whether or not the provisional or precautionary measures are appropriate, that is, whether the execution of the Constitutional Court (TC) judgment should be suspended.

In addition, next Wednesday, April 6, it will be evaluated whether or not the ruling of the TC violates what the Inter-American Court determined in its last supervisory procedure.


Nakasak said that the Inter-American Court will be surprised to find that the State did not do what it ordered in 2018, when it ordered that, through an amparo process and with the intervention of doctors, it be checked whether Alberto Fujimori suffers from diseases that justify the granting of a humanitarian pardon.

The lawyer argued that the international tribunal can only point out is that whether or not what it dictated in 2018 was complied with. “Because of an accumulation of errors it has not been done, I hope that the Court will say that what we ordered in 2018 will be done,” he said.

Finally, he said that the health problems of his sponsored and that motivated the pardon in 2017, have now worsened and force him to need oxygen all day.

