Armed violence and stigmatization, the main risks faced by human rights defenders and leaders in Antioquia

The Office of the Ombudsman delivered the report on the collective risks of women leaders and human rights defenders in the department that attempts to break down the greatest risks faced by women fighting for their communities

28/09/2020 Colombia.- AI denuncia "falta de efectividad" del Gobierno de Colombia para proteger a defensores de los DDHH. La ONG asegura que España deniega "en bloque" las solicitudes de asilo POLITICA SUDAMÉRICA COLOMBIA LATINOAMÉRICA INTERNACIONAL DANIEL GARZON HERAZO / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO

This Wednesday, March 30, the Office of the Ombudsman reported that the main risks faced by women human rights defenders and social leaders in the department of Antioquia are the result of armed violence and the stigmatization of their work by their environment and some public officials.

This was announced by the Ombudsman, Carlos Camargo, during his speech at the Ombudsman Hearing, which seeks to make visible the collective risks faced by this important population in the department, in which he delivered a report that shows that violence by illegal armed groups has had repercussions on the rights to” life, integrity and security of women fighting for their communities”.

“This is the first of the territorial reports to be built on the interventions carried out in Cauca, Nariño, Chocó and Antioquia, regions most affected by the work of defending human rights. In this way, we will be able to improve institutional capacities to identify the differential risks of women leaders and human rights defenders, strengthen internal articulation and the gender approach in early warnings,” said the defender.

She also indicated that physical, sexual, psychological, property and institutional violence have a disproportionate impact on women who carry out proceedings with their communities in the department, with the aggravating factor that sexual violence perpetrated by armed groups is used as an “exemplary” for women leaders and defenders and their communities, through which they seek domination, control and silencing.

Similarly, it indicates that in regions such as Bajo Cauca, Antioquia, Urabá, the north and the Valle de Aburrá, the collective risk against women who advance community leadership and promote human rights is increased due to social lack of protection, especially for rural and ethnic communities, and the limited state supply in subject of “access to justice, conflict resolution and human security”.

Antioquia is the second department with the highest rates of violence against women leaders and human rights defenders (the first is Cauca), a situation that manifests itself in murders, threats and attacks. And the municipalities with the most risks are Medellín and Bello (Valle de Aburrá); Ituango, Briceño and Valdivia (north); Cáceres, Tarazá, Caucasia, El Catfish, Nechí and Zaragoza (Bajo Cauca); Apartado, Murindó, Mutatá, San Pedro de Urabá, Turbo and Carepa (Urabá)”, explained the defender Camargo.

Among the recommendations, judicial bodies are urged to strengthen the technical and institutional operational capacity in the affected municipalities, which will ensure access to women leaders and human rights defenders, as well as speed up investigations to clarify the intimidation and threats that have been as well as incorporating a gender intersections approach in actions and the variable 'leaders' in information systems.

They also suggested that the Government of Antioquia and the mayors adopt institutional mechanisms within prevention and contingency plans with the aim of incorporating care and protection routes for these women who dedicate their efforts to care for their communities, as well as include institutional initiatives that seek their protection in shelters or shelters.

“To the Ministry of the Interior to implement, in coordination with the governorate of Antioch and women's organizations, the guidelines for women's participation in the committee to promote the Comprehensive Guarantees Program; as well as the plan of action to prevent, protect and guarantee non-recurrence of violations human rights and international humanitarian law, against women leaders, human rights defenders, their organizations and communities”, concluded the Office of the Ombudsman.