Thirty suspected members of the United Cartels linked to the attack in San Juan Parangaricutiro were linked to trial

As a result of the shooting in San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, the Attorney General's Office launched an investigation that resulted in the arrest of 30 people

ACAPULCO, GUERRERO, 03FEBRERO2021.- La Fiscalía General de la República arrestó en una casa Mario Marín, ex gobernador de Puebla, quien es acusado de torturar a la periodista Lydia Cacho, en el año 2006. FOTO: CARLOS ALBERTO CARBAJAL/CUARTOSCURO.COM

As a result of the events that took place on March 11 in the community of San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, the Attorney General's Office (FGR), through the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor for Organized Crime (FEMDO), obtained links to prosecution against 30 people for the crimes of firearms stockpiling, possession of cartridges and magazines for firearms for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces.

After an investigation, elements of the National Guard (GN) and the State Attorney General's Office arrested a total of 30 people, allegedly linked to a criminal organization.

*Information in development