Scholarships for Peruvians: Canada offers 'Scholarship of the Americas' for undergraduate and postgraduate

Learn about the requirements to access undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships in Canada, while working in Canada.

It is common knowledge that Peruvian potential and talent at the university and professional level is high, as in other countries. That is why countries like Canada are contributing to Peruvian migration to work and study in that country. Scholarships are part of this offer strip, so if you want to know how to access an undergraduate and postgraduate scholarship, read this note.

Just like this country, there are other countries that offer study grants for Peru, but in this case we will focus only on Canada, according to Helbert Márquez, manager of SCCanada and representative of two Canadian universities, the goal is for Peruvians to emigrate to Canada and study there.

“The goal is for more Peruvians to emigrate to Canada because of the ease of study and job placement. We address two audiences: young people who have finished high school or single professionals or with families who want to do a postgraduate degree. On March 30, we will hold a free webinar with University Canada West,” said the expert.

He added that they hope to provide the necessary information and evaluate the profile of stakeholders, since not everyone will be able to qualify. In addition to this, they will also explain the detail of the investment of studies, the benefits and times.

“In fact, an important topic is English to be able to qualify and the steps to follow so that later, once they finish their studies, they work in Canada,” he said.

Márquez did not hesitate to emphasize that studying in Canada is comfortable compared to other countries and it is also a country that is somewhat close to Peru because of the opportunities it provides. “After studying and having worked, you can access the resident visa,” he said.


Canada West University has the Scholarship of the Americas, whose discount is greater than that of other schools of study.

“It has undergraduate and graduate programs. For all programs, the university offers a scholarship only for Latin Americans and it is only this institution that offers it,” he said.


To access the “Scholarship of the Americas” it is only necessary to have a Peruvian passport. However, it must be considered that the scholarship is not complete, but partial, but that discounts are added to the total amounts.

For this, the specialist indicated that he will give an online talk to clear all kinds of doubts.


If you are a high school graduate and want a postgraduate scholarship:

- Certificate of university grades

- Bachelor's degree

- Resume (curriculum)

- English (they can give TOEFL, ielts or Duolingo)

If you want to apply for an undergraduate scholarship:

- Certificate of grades from the school

- English (they can give TOEFL, Ielts or Duolingo)

Márquez added that acceptance from the university usually takes between 20 to 30 days, then he applies for a student visa which takes an average of three months.

At the end of your studies, you access a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) for the same time as your studies. This PGWP allows you to work with the objective of putting into practice the knowledge you have gained and gain Canadian experience.


Marquez declared that Canada is now the best country to live in because it gives you many benefits.

“It allows you to study and work, you can travel with your family group, the school for both primary and secondary school is free, it covers the issue of health, unlike the United States which is more complicated. Then, you can get the resident visa,” he concluded.