SAT extended schedules and enabled sites by annual declaration 2021: how to do it online

Individuals must perform the procedure from April 1 to 30 of this year

April is about to start and taxpayers are preparing to make their 2021 annual return. The good news is that the Tax Administration Service (SAT) also prepares the corresponding tools and extends its schedules to facilitate this process.

Thus, here we will remember the internet portals that the tax authorities have and hours to develop the tax return, which is filed from April 1 to 30 for individuals. While the deadline for legal entities (companies) is this March 31.

Before learning how to make the annual tax return via the web, it will be important to remember that interested parties must have some requirements at hand, otherwise they will not be able to carry out the procedure.

What are the requirements for the declaration?

*Have your password or e-signature.

*Have your RFC handy.

*Review what you can deduct.

*Check your vouchers.

The declaration can be made online. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

It is important to clarify that only the Password is required and, only if a balance is obtained in favor of more than 150 thousand pesos or if the CLABE account is to be modified, it must be sent with the electronic signature (e.signature).

How to make the annual return online?

*Login to the portal with your RFC and password. Here.

*Fill in the data requested.

*Send the statement.

*Obtain and save the acknowledgment of receipt.

The Treasury announced that in case of doubts about the entire process, interested parties will be able to access the special portals that it enabled and are:

-Virtual Office: To receive advice and guidance online without leaving home, you only need your electronic signature or password. To generate an appointment you must go to

-OrientaSat: It helps to resolve doubts; it is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on the SAT Portal and mini-site of Annual Declaration 2021.

-OrientaSat through MarcaSat 55 6272 2728 which will be available from April 1 with the Conversational Virtual Assistant.

You will also be able to access the official SAT platform where you will answer all questions at the following link. Here.

In order to provide the necessary services and facilitate compliance with its tax obligations, the SAT extended office hours during the business days of April.

Individuals will file annual return. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

What are they?

-Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

-Saturdays 2, 9, 23 and 30 April from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Who should file the 2021 annual return?

In April, individuals declare that they earned income from:


-From a single patron and they stopped receiving it before December 31.

-If they also earned income other than salaries.

-If they worked for two or more employers simultaneously.

-If wages come from abroad or from people not obliged to withhold.

-If they also obtained income from compensation or retirement.

-If the total annual income for this item exceeds 400 thousand pesos.

*Professional services. - They are those who earn income on their own and issue proof of fees.

*Business activities, including those who are taxed under the Tax Incorporation Regime and chose to make provisional payments bimonthly by applying a profit ratio.

*Business activities carried out only through technology platforms, computer applications or similar, that have not opted to make definitive payments.

*Collect rent for some real estate (apartment, house or commercial premises).

*They receive interest or dividends.

*They alienated goods, if they sold any goods.

*Acquisition of goods, if they purchased any goods.

It should be remembered that the annual return is used to record income from your salary, your deductions, perform the calculation of the annual tax, file in zeros, pay or request a balance in favor , that is, a cashback.