“Contigo Peru”: the emotional story behind the anthem of the Peruvian national team

The players of the Peruvian national team and the fans sing with their soul this song that has become a classic to encourage the bicolor when they enter and leave the playing field.


The fans of the Peruvian national team and the members of the national team have appropriated a song that symbolizes our Creole music, turning it into an anthem that reaches from Peru to the whole world. This is how the theme “Contigo Peru” vibrates all Peruvians who live with their soul every encounter of the bicolor. It doesn't matter if it is won or lost, this sound that describes the love of the homeland accelerates hearts and fills the bodies with emotion.

After winning the victory in Peru vs. Paraguay, Ricardo Gareca's national team paraded all over the National Stadium to thank the loyal fans who keep encouraging them for their support. Although the match was over, the song played by 'Zambo' Cavero and Óscar Avilés sounded. More than one was moved when the players sang this theme. It was Gianluca Lapadula, the author of the first goal, who sang the song as tears fell down his face. This moment will remain for the memory and history of Peruvian football, since for a long time there has been no single connection between fans and players.


Its creator, Augusto Polo Campos, set out to create a composition that identifies all Peruvians and Peruvians, and that with every word can excite. The goal was achieved, since this performance has managed to unite the entire territory to the rhythm of Creole music.


The creator of this patriotic theme was the composer Augusto Polo Campos, who was the voice of songs that highlight the love we have for this country that saw us born. The renowned artist died at the age of 85, having more than 100 musical hits that continue to sound and excite the country.

The composition of “Contigo Peru” was made for the qualifiers for the Argentina 78 World Cup, with the precedent of the success of “Y is called Peru”. The acceptance of the fans caused it to be considered as an anthem for those who love their roots.


This theme song was an exclusive request from General Augusto Vinatea, who in 1977 asked Polo Campos to make a unique composition for the country to encourage the Peruvian national team. The authority gave him only 15 days for him to complete the task.

According to the accounts, as soon as he received this request, the singer-songwriter went to Café Haiti, located in the center of Lima, and behind a payment slip he began to write the lyrics. It didn't take more than half an hour for him to return to Vinatea's office to introduce him to what was created. The latter attended in the company of a group of workers, who came to be a jury and give their opinion.

The song came to life when it was sung by 'Zambo' Cavero and Don Óscar Avilés, who became the voice of this anthem that to date continues to cause complete happiness among Peruvians, whether they like football or not, it is already part of our history and custom.


Composition: Augusto Polo Campos.

Interpretation: Arturo Cavero and Oscar Aviles

When my eyes wake up and I see

That I'm still living with you Peru

Excited, I thank heaven

For giving me life, with you Peru

You're too big

And you will always remain so

Well, we are all with you Peru

On my chest

I wear your colors

And are my loves with you Peru

We are your children

And we'll join

And so we will succeed with you Peru

United the coast

Unida la sierra

United the jungle

Contigo Peru

Joined the work

United the sport

United the North, the Central and the South

A triunfar Peruanos

That we are brothers

Let victory be our great gratitude

I'll give you my life

And when I die

I will unite on earth

Contigo Peru

I'll give you my life

And when I die I will unite on earth

Contigo Peru

United the coast

Unida la sierra

United the jungle

Contigo Peru

Joined the work

United the sport

United the North, the Central and the South

A triunfar Peruanos

That we are brothers

Let victory be our great gratitude

I'll give you my life

And when I die

I will unite on earth

Contigo Peru

I'll give you my life

And when I die I will unite on earth

Contigo Peru