Andrea San Martín reappears and talks about her party with Sebastián Lizarzaburu: “Of course I would have fun with him again”

TV host Andrea San Martín said she understands criticism but doesn't influence her decisions, so she would have no problem partying with her daughter's father again.


Andrea San Martín and Sebastián Lizarzaburu made the news after starring in what was for many a “scandalous party”, as the former model is seen dancing Anitta's step in an extremely low-cut dress. In addition, drinking alcohol from your partner's abdomen. However, it was not all critical, as others did not hesitate to come out in defense of young people and indicate that they have the right to have fun. Given this, the former TV host decided to comment on the subject.

Through an interview for the Panamericana TV program, D'Mañana, a space by Karla Tarazona, Adriana Quevedo and the popular Metiche; San Martín responded to the questions he has been receiving after the images about his party were disseminated.

The drivers asked the questions through a game called Truth, Lie or Rumor. At this meeting, San Martín answered all the questions naturally, even when asked if it was true that she regretted her party with Sebastián Lizarzaburu, where scandalous images came out? Immediately, the young woman answered falsely, and then gave way to the explanation.

Andrea San Martín began by stating that he will always respect different points of view, but that does not influence the decisions he makes. “For me, really, it's something I would do again at some point. If they harm the brands you represented? No, because in fact I am super transparent with my way of doing. I was just saying, what would have happened if I didn't post this in the most natural way? The millions of people who were there filming would have already taken videos,” he said.


She also explained that through her Instagram stories she told her followers about how excited she was about this outing she was preparing with her daughter's father, so seeing these images of the party was nothing new for them.

“I'm excited that it's the first spree of 9 or 10 years that I've met Sebastian,” is the words he said to his fans, says Andrea. “I had never dated him, and I told him yet (at the meeting) 'no good, you have to drink today because you have dated a lot of people and never with me. We have to have fun. ' And really, we had an incredible time with friends in confidence, and of course I would have fun with him again,” he added.

The influencer also referred to the images where she is seen dancing while she appears over drinks. “Yes, but believe it or not, it's not an alcohol issue, if I'm going to party, I'm going to play super well, and if I'm with my partner, I'm still more confident,” he said.


At another time, Metiche asked her if she considered herself a toxic woman, to which she pointed to as a rumor.

“Regarding Sebastian's issues, I have already talked about them, I almost never talk about this topic because if I think that if we decide to resume the relationship in a serious way, as a constituted family, then we don't touch on issues of the past because it is the first thing that one should avoid in order to start, rather, to look to the future, not to the past.” , he said.

At another time, San Martín was consulted if she plans to take psychological therapy with Sebatián. The former TV host replied that both she and Sebastian have taken care of healing their wounds separately, and once healed they decided to reconcile, when they were much more mature people.

“We both work a lot of personal things but separately. When we met we weren't the same as years ago, and that's what made our relationship so straw,” he concluded.

