Video: “I'm tired of being hit in the head”: Marcela Reyes was a victim of theft in her home

The DJ was the victim of theft when she bought her new house and a worker stole some belongings from her, including jewelry and money.


The DJ and businesswoman Marcela Reyes shared through her social networks, several events of which she was the victim of theft both in her home and in her professional career. This media outlet had already reported on the scam of which she was the victim of by an alleged businessman who according to her “used” it for a presentation in Cartagena without receiving any payment.

As revealed by 'La reina de la guaracha', when she bought her new home she found a man inside who was doing some repairs, however, she already had several services contracted with a well-known remodeling company, but she was very sad to leave the man on the outside and continued to give him work. After a while, Reyes denounces that several elements of his house were disappearing.

“You know that I have done many renovations of my house... but because I wanted to help this man I never took him out and put him to do several costs. Well, babies, all this time he has robbed me, things from my house began to be lost like a gold bracelet, then silver started to lose...”, said Marcela Reyes through her 'InstaStories'.

But this was not the most serious part of the matter revealed by the DJ, because with the money she gave him to buy some items that were needed for the house, the worker sometimes overbought but apparently she made them return and left some balances in the stores.

“... Today I sent my mother to collect those balances and it turns out that this man went with another client who got and used my money, he hit me in the head several times... he even took a drill from the people of 'Espacio' and so bad that when he went to pawn it they caught him pawning it”, the DJ concluded her story on social networks.

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Here is the full content of Marcela Reyes:

Finally, the artist mentioned that she is “tired of being hit in the head” and she woke up with a very bad temper because of the different situations that have been happening to her because it is not the first time they have tried to scam her. It should be remembered that during the Barranquilla Carnival 2022, the DJ was dressed and upset, as the popular adage goes, because the presentation for which she was hired was not executed.

Reactions to Marcela Reyes' statements soon appeared as the gossip portal 'Celebrities from A to Z' was responsible for replicating the information shared by the DJ on her Instagram account. There, the clip already exceeds 8,000 views with more than 110 'likes' by Internet users and many other comments in which it has been the target of criticism because something bad always happens to it.

“Sapéelos, they won't pay or return anything anyway”, “Something bad always happens to this poor woman”, “Marcela it's about time you take a rough bath because what salt”, “I think sometimes it exaggerates situations, but it's wrong to steal what little you have or how much in some cases”, among others.

It is worth mentioning that the DJ also accused a man who pretends to be a prestigious event organizer, of whom she was also the victim in a presentation held in Cartagena, stating that “he robbed me, used me, didn't pay me... and if he doesn't pay me, I'm going to ticket it with all my colleagues so that no one copies him,” said the renowned DJ.