Unión Magdalena technician revealed that he has escorts because he is threatened

Carlos Silva, coach of the 'cyclone', announced publicly that he has been receiving death threats from a sector of the fans for several months


This Saturday, March 26, Carlos Silva, technical director of Unión Magdalena, announced, publicly, that he has been with an escort for a long time due to the fact that for several months he has been receiving threats related to the poor performance of the samario team in the BetPlay League.

“Before a game, in the national anthem, they take the mother out of the coach. I'm going to tell you something that I was forbidden to say, but since November 2021 I have been with escorts, because of an attempt that took place after training. Something happened at my mother's house. I am saddened by the cultural and educational poverty of the people who come to the stadiums,” Silva said at the press conference following the victory of the Magdalena Union over Golden Eagles.

Similarly, the coach of the samario team explained that: “I never really thought or imagined that football was so important that they attacked a coach and tried to do it with their whole family. Our city has broken down socially and culturally. Incultura appropriated our city and it gives sadness. I have been everywhere and the differences worldwide are not silver or strata or race, they are of culture.” In addition, Silva emphatically rejected the verbal aggressions and threats that haunt her life and that of her family.

Let us remember that Unión Magdalena promoted to the first division this season after the scandal of a possible settlement of the match against Llaneros. To date and after finishing matchday 13 of the league, the 'cyclone' is last in the local championship with just nine points.

The Disciplinary Commission of the Major Division of Colombian Football (DIMAYOR) filed an investigation into the controversial triumph of Unión Magdalena over Llaneros, a decision in which it ratified its promotion to the first division despite the scandal caused by the way it achieved victory and promotion.

After almost a month of investigations, the Commission established in a resolution released on Friday that Unión Magdalena had no responsibility for what happened on the court, when he scored two goals in the recovery time to ensure promotion, in the face of the passivity of the local players.

“The Magdalena players, in the sports event under investigation, put the values of loyalty, mutual respect and dignity first, showing respect for the opponent on the pitch and favoring the maintenance of sportsmanship and fair play, and at no time were their performance objected by part of the experts of the FIFA integrity team,” said the resolution.

“In view of the foregoing, neither the players, nor the technical staff, the medical staff, the delegate or the legal representative of Magdalena, may be linked to a formal investigation, since the evidentiary material collected so far does not allow us to determine that these subjects have participated in the reproached conduct, and as as a result, their actions during the investigated match do not constitute an infringement,” he added.

The suspicious goal that gave Unión Magdalena the first division qualification sparked outrage in Colombia among fans, the press, football players, the government and the governing bodies of football. Even the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, described what happened as “a national shame” and said that sport requires transparency, honesty and zero tolerance in the face of any situation that delegitizes sports ethics, while the Attorney General's Office opened an investigation parallel and independent to that of DIMAYOR.

The results of the investigations of the Office of the Prosecutor General are not known so far. DIMAYOR said that although the case against Unión Magdalena, a team based in the Caribbean city of Santa Marta, was closed, the trial against Llaneros is continuing. The two teams involved in the investigation denied acts of corruption or match-fixing.

The match for the second division final between Unión Magdalena and Cortulúa, the other team that promoted to the first division, will be scheduled and played in the coming days after its postponement amid the scandal, said DIMAYOR.