SEP: when is the last day to download report card and certificate of studies

The procedure is free and can be done from any mobile device with an internet connection, even if only for a few days


Two of the most important documents for students in basic education, as well as for their parents if they need to carry out a procedure, are the certificate of studies and the report card, with which it is possible to verify that the minor is enrolled in an educational institution.

However, due to the pandemic, the delivery of these papers was complicated by remote work, but the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) made available to parents a platform to download them quickly, easily and for free, from the home comfort.

The Education and Educational Management System (SIGED) enabled the specific section to be able to download the basic education ballots starting this Monday, March 28, and will be valid until next Thursday, 31, the date that records the first period for the delivery of grades.

In order to complete this procedure before the website closes, you must follow the following points:

1. Obtain the student's Unique Population Registration Key (CURP).

2. Go to the SIGED page to find the ballot with the CURP.

3. Find the option to View ballots and certificates and click.

4. At this point there are two ways to obtain the ballot: the first is with the data from the CURP and the Work Center Key (CCT) of the school where the student is enrolled. While the second is about entering the student's personal information: first names, surnames, gender, date and place of birth.

5. After filling in all the fields, select the document and the evaluation date to download it.

The procedure is remote because schools continue to not operate normally (PHOTO: MARÍA JOSÉ MARTÍNEZ /CUARTOSCURO)

Through the same page you can view and download the certificate of studies, just click on certificates, instead of the ballot option, and select the corresponding dates. There is also a way to carry out this procedure with a QR code.

- Locate the QR module in the downloaded document.

- Read the code with a smartphone camera or with an app.

- Wait for the app to display the code and the last step is to save it to your mobile device.

- In case there are any errors in the documents, it must be expressed in the student's educational institution.

The SEP recalled that both files must be kept for the academic record of the minor. He also pointed out that downloads of school documents are free and can be done from any electronic device.

Documents can be downloaded from any mobile device (PHOTO: ANDREA MURCIA /CUARTOSCURO)

Minors and their parents are already on the doorstep of their homes to go out to rest this Holy Week, a period that the SEP grants for pupils' rest. Therefore, for 2022, the period will be considered from Monday 11 April to Friday 22 of the same month. In this way, teachers and students must return to their classes until Monday, April 25.

This will not be the only break students will have during the month of April, because before it ends there will be more days without school, as school activities will be suspended during the last weekend in April.

According to the calendar, the bridge will start from Friday, April 29, due to the meeting of the School Technical Council that teachers and managers acquire. It then joins with Saturday, March 30 and Sunday, May 1.