SAT: how to find out what is the validity of the e.signature for the Annual Declaration

In the event that the electronic signature is about to expire, taxpayers can renew it through the SAT ID website, where they can also obtain their Proof of Tax Status

El logo del Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) se ve en sus oficinas en Ciudad de México, México 26 de mayo de 2017. Fotografía tomada el 26 de mayo de 2017. REUTERS / Carlos Jasso/ Foto de archivo
El logo del Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) se ve en sus oficinas en Ciudad de México, México 26 de mayo de 2017. Fotografía tomada el 26 de mayo de 2017. REUTERS / Carlos Jasso/ Foto de archivo

As every year, taxpayers must file their Annual Return with the Tax Administration Service (SAT) in order to report what their earnings and expenses were as a result of their business, commercial or professional activity, whether natural or legal persons. With this procedure, the expenses and income generated during the declared fiscal year are taken into account in order to tax Income Tax (ISR).

One of the most important documents for filing taxes with the tax authorities is the electronic signature or e.signature, since with this set of data and characters taxpayers will be able to identify themselves to carry out procedures and services online through the SAT. It should be noted that the e.signature is a secure and encrypted file that has the same validity as an autograph signature.

Likewise, the electronic signature is valid for four years from the date of its issuance, so it is important to consider how long you have to renew it and verify its validity prior to making the Annual Declaration. services of the SAT:

In the event that the e.firm is about to expire, taxpayers will be able to renew it through the SAT ID application (PHOTO: MARIO JASSO/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

1. Enter the official website of the tax authority using the following link:

2. Select the “Other Procedures and Services” module and then locate the submenu of “Validate the validity of your e.signature”. You can also go directly to the following link:

3. Once in the section, click on the “Start” button and then you will have to enter your RFC and the password of the private key, as well as the private key in .key, the .cer certificate and the CAPTCHA code that appears on the screen.

4. After entering the data and files, click on the “Send” button and then the validity of the e.signature will appear on the screen

If it is about to expire, it can be renewed through the SAT ID microsite. However, encrypted files can only be renewed as long as the e.signature is still valid, otherwise taxpayers will have to go to one of the SAT modules to generate the new documents in person.

To make the modification, it will only be necessary to enter the following link: You will then have to select the option “Renew e.signature” and enter the following information and documents:

The e.signature is a secure and non-transferable file that has the same validity as an autograph signature when carrying out tax procedures (Photo: Reuters/Daniel Becerril)

1. 13-digit RFC

2. Personal email account.

3. 10-digit cell phone number

4. Attachment with an official identification (INE, passport, valid professional ID with photograph, INAPAM credential).

5. Confirmation of identity through a video

6. Sign the application

When entering the menu, click on “Start and Provide your e.signature”. Then, select the “Certificate Renewal” option and click the “Browse” button to start searching for the file you are looking to renew. Once the site is loaded, users must click on “Renew” and then write down or save the transaction number before clicking on the “Track” section.

After these steps, taxpayers will be able to generate and download their renewal acknowledgment before returning to the main page to access the “Certificate Recovery” area and when you are in that section you must click on the one that corresponds to the date you are processing for renewal. Check carefully, download the correct file and save it to the same address on your computer that you could easily access and which has a good level of protection.

