Luis de Llano's sister defended relationship with Sasha Sokol: “A beautiful love”

Cecilia Fuentes, daughter of Rita Macedo and Carlos Fuentes, issued a lengthy statement in which she asked to stop the media lynching against the producer


Almost three weeks have passed since March 8, when Sasha Sokol took advantage of International Women's Day to issue a revealing statement where she mentioned that Luis de Llano had been romantically involved with her that lasted four years, all of them being a minor, while the television producer was 39.

After the denunciation of what Sasha described as an “abuse and a crime”, public opinion weighed on the son of the late Rita Macedo. There was no shortage of voices that condemned the fact that many described as an abuse of power.

Now, the half-sister of the creator of Timbiriche has issued a statement talking about the rugged issue, said she was appalled and called to “pour water into the fire”, in an intention to calm the situation and stop the lynching of Julissa's fellow brother.

Luis de Llano and Sasha Sokol
The producer has been silent since March 8 when Sasha's statement was released Fotos: Twitter @ @DiarioCoahuila//Instagram @sashasokolova

Cecilia Fuentes, daughter of writer Carlos Fuentes and golden film actress Rita Macedo, wrote a text released on TVNotas, in which she asks for love, peace and understanding for the producer of Agujetas de rosa and Baila Conmigo, because she worries that the depression she suffers could lead to her death.

“My brother is lying there right now, while everyone is enjoying the slaughter. He will never regain neither his credibility nor his great professional achievements. They have caged him in a very small space, tied to an anchor that is thrown into a bottomless sea. And that doesn't work. Justice is justice and if you ask for justice, really realize how things went. It's too late to correct anything, but at least don't keep making it worse,” reads in the initial part written by the writer.

Cecilia admitted to having differences with Luis, but at the family and work level, she also totally ruled out the versions that suggest that the creative had also been an abuser of his own half-sister.

Cecilia Fuentes
Cecilia Fuentes is the author of the book 'Woman in paper', a biographical diary of her mother, the remembered Rita Macedo Photo: Instagram/ @ceciliafuentesm

Luis de Llano is not a diamond or a gold coin. But he is a hardworking and fighting man who has never abused anyone (let alone me) on a sexual level. That's crazy and the same as looking for eight legs for the cat. My differences with him are purely family and work, which perhaps I will talk about one day, but not now when they seek to crucify him even because of the tlayuda he ate yesterday,” he added.

The author of the book Mujer en papel, which tells the stories of Rita Macedo in the first person, said that the relationship between her brother and Sasha Sokol occurred in terms of consensus, and even pointed out that the courtship was “blessed” by the parents of the singer from Serás el aire.

“He has never needed to pay or buy or threaten the women he's been interested in. Quite the opposite. All their relationships have been mutually consensual. He is a man who with his partners and the people he loves is adorable, unconditional, generous. He is a tireless worker, a visionary like few in our country. He has made incredible careers of a lot of people who now turn their backs on him for convenience.

Cecilia Fuentes
Cecilia Fuentes admitted to having quarrels with her brother, but in the family and work environment Photo: Instagram/ @ceciliafuentesm

“I think they both deserve a talk if not in person at least a legal one, where they forgive themselves and agree not to continue with this ridiculous massacre that leads to nothing. She will be protected forever by all humans who cannot understand that a man and a teenage girl entered into a consensual, beautiful relationship, like young men in love, madly enraptured with each other and blessed by their parents and friends and the whole environment. Because that's all that happened. A beautiful love at the time, shone,” wrote the author.

