INE ordered Morenista governors to remove tweets supporting the Revocation of Mandate

The advisers of the Complaints and Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute recalled the Electoral Tribunal's determination to annul the so-called “decree” that allowed officials to promote the consultation on 10 April


The Complaints and Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute (INE) ordered that 12 governors emanating from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) delete messages posted on social networks promoting the Revocation of Mandate, since they are considered as government propaganda.

In session, Councillors Adriana Favela and Claudia Zavala, as well as Councillor Ciro Murayama recalled the determination of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federation Power (TEPJF) which declared Morena's so-called “decree” on the authentic interpretation of the concept of “government propaganda” inapplicable in the Revocation of Mandate.

The INE Commission ordered that the state leaders of Mexico City (Claudia Sheinbaum), Baja California (Marina del Pilar Avila), Baja California Sur (Victor Manuel Castro Cosío), Chiapas (Rutilio Escandón), Guerrero (Evelyn Salgado), Morelos (Cuauhtémoc Blanco), San Luis Potosí ( Ricardo Gallardo), Sinaloa (Rubén Rocha Moya), Sonora (Alfonso Durazo), Tabasco (Carlos Manuel Merino Campos), Veracruz (Cuitláhuac García) and Zacatecas (David Monreal); they must delete some messages disseminated on their social networks and in which they refer to the Revocation consultation, due to the ban electoral.

The head of government of Mexico City (CDMX), Claudia Sheinbaum, and 11 other governors must delete their messages promoting the consultation of the Mandate Revocation. (PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO/ARCHIVE)

This is a “systematic campaign of contempt for the rules of neutrality that the Constitution imposes on the rulers during the revocation of the mandate,” said Ciro Murayama, while warning that it is an undemocratic attitude and respect for legality.

He highlighted that so far this year, the Commission has issued 18 precautionary measures to different authorities for the dissemination of various messages prohibited during the Revocation, including the head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum and the 17 leaders of Morena and allied parties.

The councillors called for state leaders to adjust their actions to the electoral rules that mandate the suspension of the dissemination of all government actions and works from February 4 to April 10, except for matters relating to education, health and civil protection issues in emergencies.

“There is legislation that is in place, which is telling us that during that period only some kind of government propaganda can be made that has to do with educational services, health or civil protection,” said Councillor Adriana Favela.

Ciro Murayama INE Revocation of Mandate
The counselor took a position on the government propaganda decree (Photo: Twitter/ @CiroMurayamaINE)

It should be recalled that on Monday, March 28, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation decided - in private session - to declare inapplicable the decree approved a few days ago by the deputies of Morena and their allies, on the authentic interpretation of the concept of “government propaganda” in the Mandate Revocation.

At the proposal of Judge Felipe de la Mata Pizaña, it was analyzed whether the interpretation decree was applicable due to the proximity of the electoral day of voting for the revocation of the mandate.

In this regard, they concluded, firstly, that the decree of authentic interpretation is inapplicable in cases of a revocation of mandate, since rather an exception was established to prohibit it, which is in violation of what is stated in the Constitution.


“In addition, by establishing this exception, a substantial modification is made to the rules of political communication in the revocation of the mandate, which is prohibited at the constitutional level,” said the judges who voted in favor.

In addition, he confirmed that the precautionary measures of the Complaints and Complaints of the National Electoral Institute (INE) against Morena and other political actors continue to be in place to remove publications supporting AMLO from their social networks.

