How to make fried wonton stuffed with shrimp with this Peruvian recipe

This is one of the entries on the chifa menu that Peruvians like the most. We show you the step by step so that you can prepare this tasty Peruvian recipe fused with Chinese.




The recipe of the day is one of the best fusions. Today we teach you how to prepare a delicious chifa recipe to be able to make some wontons with shrimp filling. This is a different version with which you can highlight the flavors. Many know this preparation because it is one of the favorite entries of Peruvians who like this type of dish.

You can try the fried version or follow our recipe for wonton soup. If we talk about add-ons, these little snacks are enjoyed when they are soaked in oyster, chair or tamarind sauce.

The recommendation for today's recipe is to be very careful with how long you place each wonton in the pan to be able to fry them, since we seek to obtain a uniform golden, and not in brown tones that are the first signs to know that they are about to burn.



- For the wonton dough: 300 g flour without baking powder/unprepared flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp salt, 90 ml water, cornstarch/cornstarch to stretch.

[If we don't want to do this, we can buy ready-made wonton leaves]

- For the filling: 500 g raw shrimp or prawns, peeled and deveined. It can also be pork or ground chicken. 1 tbsp sesame oil/sesame oil. Salt and pepper to taste

- For frying: 600 ml vegetable oil (I use canola) or more if your pot is large.

Prepare your chifa menu with these delicious preparations: salted noodle, chaufa rice, tipakay chicken or chi jau kay chicken.


- For the wonton dough: mix the flour with the salt in a bowl. Form a hole in the center and add the eggs and water. Mix from the center, incorporating the dry ingredients in a few minutes. Knead for 10 minutes or until it becomes elastic. If you feel that the dough is very dry, moisten your hands and knead. If you feel it too wet, sprinkle flour on the table.

Let the dough rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator, wrapped. Sprinkle cornstarch on a clean surface and stretch the dough. Every so often sprinkle more starch as you need it. Once it is 1mm thick, cut the dough into 10x10cm squares. Put them on top of each other with a lot of cornstarch between them. Keep them covered so they don't dry out.

[The fact: you can freeze the dough in this square format for up to 1 month in a sealed container]

- For the filling: with the side of a knife, crush the shrimps to undo them and then cut a little, we don't want to grind them completely. Alternatively you can use a food processor, but don't grind it completely. Add the oil, salt and pepper and mix.

- Assemble the wontons: Put about a tablespoonful of filling on a square of dough. With your finger, moisten the edge and stick it into a triangle and try to leave as little air as possible inside the wonton. Fold the corners to the center and join them with a little water.

Heat the oil to medium temperature. If it is hotter than that, it will brown without getting crispy and if it is colder it will absorb a lot of fat. It takes 2-3 minutes for the wonton to be ready. As you remove them from the oil, put them in a bowl with absorbent paper to remove excess oil.

[This preparation is easy to do and you can freeze them if you don't want to eat them during the day. Credits: Cravings Journal]

