Gustavo Bolivar sparked controversy by “defending” Francia Marquez de Marbelle with photo by King Kong

After harsh comments against him for “legitimizing racism”, the congressman petrist had to erase the trill




The controversy over Marbelle's racist criticism of the vice-presidential candidate, Francia Márquez, does not cease. However, a new chapter added to this controversy, after the senator of the Historical Pact, Gustavo Bolivar, tried to defend Marquez but ended up unleashing Twitter fury.

The congressman, who leads the petroist bench in the Senate, shared a photo of King Kon, the giant ape of the movies, the same one that the techno singer used to insult Francia Márquez.

Bolívar wanted to defend his co-supporter “by applying a semiotic message with reverse psychology”, as he himself explained it. However, in his eagerness to distort the singer's criticism, he ended up in a controversy, given that for several netizens this publication reinforces the racist comments of Maureen Belky Ramírez Cardona, the performer's first name.

The senator's publication shows the animal kidnapping a woman and in the image there is a text that reads: “Dear Marbelle, when I am vice-president, I will make them respect you and give you all the love that you have lacked.”

According to the tweeters questioned, in the image Bolivar implies that the ape is Francia Márquez, which, of course, they didn't like at all and they took it against him. In the trill, the writer also left another particular message: “Racism is unacceptable. It's pure lack of love. King Kong's message is powerful...” he said.

Gustavo Bolivar uses a photo of King Kong to allegedly defend Francia Márquez
Gustavo Bolivar uses a photo of King Kong to allegedly defend Francia Márquez

Within hours of making the controversial publication, social networks broke out and asked Gustavo Bolívar to delete that trill. The congressman spoke again about it, said he wanted to defend Gustavo Peto's vice presidential formula using “reverse psychology” and asked his more than 1.2 million followers on Twitter if it was appropriate to remove the tweet.

Minutes later, seeing that most of his followers recommended that he delete the controversial publication, he himself announced that he deleted the controversial tweet for which during the early hours of this Tuesday, March 29, they questioned him.

Gustavo Bolivar uses a photo of King Kong to allegedly defend Francia Márquez
Gustavo Bolivar uses a photo of King Kong to allegedly defend Francia Márquez

“I can't believe this. In reaction to a racist, infamous and profoundly stupid comment by Marbelle, you incorporate racism, stupidity and infamy, and you echo them. Is this really the end of intelligence, of all consciousness?” , criticized the writer Carolina Sanín.

For his part, journalist José Guarnizo, director of the media outlet Voragine, also spoke out about it and assured that Bolivar “legitimizes racism and, as if that were not enough, frivolizes it. And he is a senator from the Republic of the alternative bench,” he questioned. In addition, in another trill he added:

“I think of the likes to the racist trill of Marbelle and the likes to the triune of Bolivar that legitimizes that same racism. It is disgusting to know that we are indeed a country with structural racism that has historically generated inequality, violence and injustice,” Guarnizo said.

At the time of publication of this article, Francia Márquez and Gustavo Petro have referred to the subject. However, the current head of list to the Senate of Petrismo has published several messages rectifying its publication and highlighted the spirit and experience of the social leader and Afro-descendant, who is now competing for the Presidency, after winning more than 783,000 votes in the consultations of March 13.


