Epa Colombia broke the silence after the complaints of its former accountant: “Everyone is fighting and I'm here, calm down”

The influencer posted some videos on her social network, where she assured that the only person who can judge her is God.


A whole controversy arose due to the statements of Yenny Saldarriaga, the former accountant of Daneidy Barrera, better known as 'Epa Colombia', who claimed that she denounced the influencer to the Attorney General's Office for various crimes, including threats, slander and insult.

In an interview with Semana, the former 'Epa Colombia' accountant detailed how everything happened with the influencer caused her problems in her family environment since she almost lost the baby she was expecting and her other daughter had problems at school.

“I almost lost my baby two weeks ago. Besides, I have a teenage daughter who has had to deal with this since last year. In conversations with my family I decided to talk. They told me: if you have the truth, if you know how you did your homework, how you fulfilled your duties, it's time to talk,” Saldarriaga told Semana.

You can also read: Former contador of 'Keratinas Epa Colombia' revealed the million dollar generated by this company

She added that, “we as accountants have a code of ethics that governs us; if any of our clients' conduct goes against that code, then no matter who this customer is, it is better to withdraw in time”, referring to some requests that Barrera would have requested and which she would have refused.

Another serious complaint he made was regarding what happened on July 30, 2021, where Carlos Toro, commercial director of 'Epa Colombia' company, was held against his will in one of the warehouses of one of his businesses located in Bogotá. The influencer demanded that her accountant, who was in Medellín, arrive at the scene otherwise she would not allow Toro to leave the place.

“Today I can tell you that she held him at the headquarters in Bochica (Bogotá neighborhood) (...) The only thing Carlos said to me was: 'You have to come because otherwise she won't let me out and I have to go see my children. ' Obviously I bought a ticket and flew to Bogotá, to find out what was going on (...) The situation was very tense. When I arrived at the headquarters in Bochica, he began to threaten me. He told me that my daughter was under surveillance, that you didn't mess with people who had a lot of followers,” Saldarriaga told the aforementioned media outlet.

This may interest you: Video: Epa Colombia broke into tears, “neither money nor fame fill me”

This generated all kinds of comments on social networks who criticized Epa Colombia for what happened. Daneidy Barrera, who had been silent after the publication of the interview, recently posted some videos on Instagram where he left a message regarding all this controversy and pointed out that, “Only God can judge me”.

“What do I think of everything they say about me? God is the only one who can judge me. I am a super hard working woman, an entrepreneur and who got ahead,” said Epa Colombia in the video she posted where she seems to be taking a vacation and riding.

Then he pointed out that, “Success has brought me thousands of problems, but I love it, I love it because the more they talk about me they let me know that they are making me know more and are positioning my products. Only God knows your heart. The human being destroys, tramples and wants to end you. As long as you're clean inside, the rest doesn't matter. Everyone is fighting and I'm here, calm down,” said Barrera in the video posted on her Instagram stories.

