This was the abduction of a young man after meeting a woman he met on social networks

The kidnappers were captured by the Police Gaula while collecting the reward money

Una persona escribe un mensaje de texto en su teléfono móvil. EFE/Andy Rain/Archivo
Una persona escribe un mensaje de texto en su teléfono móvil. EFE/Andy Rain/Archivo

On March 18, a young man stopped meeting in a public place with a woman he had met on networks, but what seemed like a simple date became a traumatic event, both for the young university student and his family, after the love encounter turned into a kidnapping. The events, which took place in the northwest of Medellín, in the Tejelo neighborhood, were carried out by 12 people, who identified themselves as members of the criminal gang 'La Terraza'.

After the 27-year-old was detained by the criminals, they began to torture him, cut off his fingers and beat him, in order to send the extortion evidence to the young man's family and demand a large sum of money for his life.

Once the victim was injured, they took photos and began to send them to his family to demand a sum of eight million pesos to be released and stopped torturing him: “They threatened that if he didn't hand over the money or transfer it to an account they could kill him and they would throw him in the river and we would find him in Barbosa,” said the father of the kidnapped young man.

Despite how difficult it was for the family, they did not hesitate for a moment and contacted the Guala Police, who took control of the negotiations.

The crude survival tests sent by the criminals showing how they hurt their son led the kidnapped's father to file the complaint through line 165 of the Gaula, allowing the uniformed to take control of negotiations with the criminals,” explained the Gaula.

In the middle of the negotiations and when the gang noticed that they were losing time in front of the police, they said that they would no longer demand the eight million pesos, but only wanted 800,000 pesos so as not to hurt anyone.

We reduced it to 800,000 pesos, we don't want to hurt you or the bald man, tell me at once I'm going to give you the account number to turn it on, as soon as you turn the silver, the peeled leaves the hotel as if nothing had happened,” said one of the criminals.

At that time, the agreement was closed and they were left to take the money to the Plazoleta Rojas Pinilla in the center of the city, but there they were surprised by the respective authorities, who proceeded with the capture of those involved and in the rescue of the university student.

In days spent in the department of Cundinamarca, the police were also able to thwart a kidnapping. Through a padlock plan, the Surveillance and Community Police by Quadrants, in conjunction with specialties such as Gaula Boyacá and Cundinamarca, Caribaneros and the National Army, located a van along with a 65-year-old citizen who had been kidnapped and four criminals at the height of the Palmira village in the municipality of Suesca.

They were attacked with a firearm and in the exchange of fire, the victim is rescued and the four subjects are captured when they tried to flee through wooded areas.

“At kilometer 7 via Tunja-Combita, Boyacá. These criminals took advantage of the fact that the victim was on the side of the road, the subjects intimidated him with a firearm, subjugated him and held him against his will, the criminals began to demand a millionaire sum of money for his release,” explained Colonel Raúl Vera Moreno, Commander of the Police Department Cundinamarca delivers details.

Thanks to a telephone call where a citizen denounces the fact, the uniformed members of the National Model of Community Surveillance by Quadrants (MNVCC) carry out a candando plan, thus managing to locate the vehicle with the victim and the criminals on the Palmira trail of the municipality of Suesca.

