They captured “El Viejo” alleged leader of the Gulf Clan

The offender has blue Interpol circular for events related to his criminal act in northern Colombia

With a fifteen-year-old criminal record, alias “El Viejo” — “Felipe” or “Sebastián”, as he was also known — he had a blue Interpol circular when he was captured by the authorities in an operation deployed in the Murrí district in Frontino, West Antioquia.

According to the commander of the #32 Infantry Battalion of the Fourth Brigade, Colonel Jhonny Bustos Rivera, he claimed that alias “El Viejo” had its illegal operations center in Antioquia, Sucre, Bolivar and Magdalena. At the time of his capture, 4 weapons and ammunition were seized from him.

In addition, he would have been the second leader of the Erlin Pino Duarte structure in the departments of Sucre, Bolívar and Magdalena.

Precisely, in previous days, Carlos Antonio Moreno Tuberquía, alias “Nicolás”, was extradited, who was the second in command of the criminal structure, called the Gulf Clan.

The criminal was the successor of Dairo Antonio Úsuga, alias' Otoniel ', who was captured during 2021 by the country's public forces. Along these lines, on the morning of this Friday, March 25, at the Catam airbase, the transfer of Nicholas began, requested by the courts of New York and Miami, in the United States.

Along with “El Viejo”, alias “Chilapo”, alias “Arab” and alias “Toreto” were captured, designated as belonging to the Gulf Clan, specifically as members of the Edwin Román Velásquez Valle structure.

At the time of capture, the detainees were seized with a submachine gun, three pistols, more than 150 cartridges, 9 suppliers, 9 mobile phones, 4 communication radios and cash.

Those captured and the material seized were left at the disposal of the competent authorities for prosecution.

This was reported by General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, commander of the Colombian Army.

Residual 36 incinerated bus in Yarumal (Antioquia)

In Yarumal, Residual 36 was reportedly responsible for setting fire to a public service vehicle

In events that occurred on the morning of Sunday, March 27, armed men who identified themselves as FARC dissidents stopped a public service bus on the Angostura-Yarumal highway, forced passengers to abandon the vehicle and then set fire to it on the road.

Although no casualties were reported, authorities reported interference in the area of the Residual 36, which they claimed to be responsible for the attack.

For the Secretary of Human Security of Antioquia, Luis Fernando Suárez, the armed group installed explosives on the road to attack the public forces:

“Between Yarumal and Angostura, a bus was burned and, apparently, explosive devices were installed as a decoy so that, upon the arrival of the public forces, an attack would be committed. They are on the ground verifying the situation and we are keeping an eye on the news,” the official reported.

The explosives were detonated in a controlled manner by the authorities; the public service bus covered the Yarumal-Angostura route. After the reported events, operations were carried out to find those responsible for this fact.

According to official reports, operations are carried out by the Antioquia Police Command and the Fourth Brigade of the Army. Likewise, they do not rule out the version that the attack was aimed at the transport company as a way to extort money from it for the profits they report in the area.