Erdogan and Putin agreed to hold negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul

The Turkish president spoke with his Russian counterpart by telephone on Sunday about the need to reach a ceasefire on Ukrainian territory as soon as possible to improve the humanitarian situation in the area




The next round of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to find a way out of the war will be held in Istanbul, the Turkish Presidency announced this Sunday, following a conversation between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Erdogan and Putin spoke on the phone this Sunday about the need to reach a ceasefire in Ukraine as soon as possible to improve the humanitarian situation in the area, Anadolu agency reports, citing sources from the Turkish presidency.

Erdogan assured his interlocutor that Turkey will continue to participate in this process, and the two leaders agreed that the next round of negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations will be held in Istanbul.

The spokesman for the Turkish Presidency, Ibrahim Kalin, confirmed on his Twitter account this agreement for a meeting “this coming week”, but without giving specific dates.

According to Ukrainian negotiator David Arahamiya, the next round will be held in Turkey from 28 to 30 March, while the head of the Russian delegation, Vladimir Medinsky, said the meeting would take place from 29-30 March.

VolodImIr Zelensky

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky said on Sunday that Ukraine is ready to accept a neutral, non-nuclear status in an interview with independent Russian journalists.

“Security guarantees and the neutral and non-nuclear status of our state. We are willing to accept it. This is the most important point,” said Zelensky, as reported by CNN.

Thus, he emphasized that “any agreement would have to be submitted to the Ukrainian people in a referendum”.

In his daily speech to the nation, Zelensky mentioned “the destruction” of freedom of expression in Russia, and regarding the interview with independent journalists, he pointed out that Russia “is afraid of a relatively short conversation with several journalists and that is why Ukraine is doing well,” as reported in a communicated the website of the presidency of Ukraine.

“A new round of negotiations awaits us, because we seek peace. For real. Without delay. As I was informed, there is an opportunity and a need for a face-to-face meeting in Turkey,” Zelensky emphasized.

Thus, it reiterated that Ukraine's priorities in the negotiations are the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and effective security guarantees. “Our goal is obvious: peace and the restoration of normal life in our home state as soon as possible,” he said.

“Today I supported the world marathon for peace in Ukraine. Not just on television. In dozens of cities around the world, people gathered in support of our State, in support of freedom. It's a pleasure”, stressed the president.

(With information from EFE)


