Visual challenge: find image errors in 10 seconds

A bus, a car and people walking down the street, but there are errors that escape human and physical logic. In that sense, find those details so that you know your cognitive abilities.


A visual challenge where you will test your cognitive skills with the following image that seems to escape the logical and everyday sense. This will allow you to know how skilled you are at the visual challenges that appear on social media.

In the following illustration is a street, in the morning hours where you see people walking, a football ad, an orange public transport and a private blue car. Everything indicates that there will be a possible collision between the two cars, but no. What you must place is errors far from reality, which can only exist in the imagination of the human being.

Every challenge has a time limit, in this case it is 10 seconds where you must solve it as soon as possible. It is not worth doing it after the established time, otherwise you would be cheating and you would not be fair to yourself. Lines below you will see the complete solution (with image) so that you can get the correct answer next time. Good luck.

Test viral auto
Visual challenge: find all possible errors in the image. Photo: Facebook.


Nothing yet with the image? The time was short and you didn't manage to find the right answer? Don't worry or feel bad if you haven't succeeded. It happens in life, it also happens in visual challenges.

Remember that this is completely normal, as these viral challenges require a lot of time and patience to be solved in order to acquire learning. If you weren't part of the select group of geniuses who managed to meet this challenge in ten seconds, we invite you to see the solution.

As you can see in the image that we show you below, this visual challenge had up to four errors: the first one was the traffic light, which incredibly does not have a red light; the second is that there is a train in the middle of the street, when there are no rails; the third is that the machinery does not have a door; the last one is in the advertising cartel.

Don't forget to share the visual challenge with your friends or close people so they can have a little fun in times of stress due to natural causes. Remember that the challenges get interesting with more participants.

Test viral auto
Solution: See what the errors were in the following image. Photo: Facebook.


These are a series of activities, which can be of various subjects, such as mathematics, riddles, relationship of objects, among others. The purpose is to arouse people's interest in finding answers in a playful way, as well as allowing us to put into practice basic knowledge that we learned at a certain point in our lives.


Logical puzzles are pastimes or games that consist of finding the solution to an enigma, finding the hidden meaning of a phrase only through intuition and reasoning. That is not by virtue of the possession of certain knowledge.

The difference with riddles is that they pose the riddle in the form of a rhyme and are generally aimed at children's audiences. They are mostly used in a humorous way.

In addition, a riddle is an enigma that emerges as a game and requires the use of insight to find a suitable solution.

There may be different structures in them, some of them show a rhyme; others, on the other hand, focus on establishing a logical problem that requires the skill and analysis for a successful resolution.