Through the art community of Arborizadora Alta rejects attack against the CAI

With messages of peace and drawings, the inhabitants of that sector call for reconciliation, after the explosion that left 11 people affected, a minor dead and a five-year-old girl with brain death.


After the events that took place on the night of March 26 in the Arborizadora Alta neighborhood in the town of Ciudad Bolivar, where a device exploded in the CAI, which left 11 people injured, including 5 minors, material damage to 20 houses and six affected pets. As a gesture of rejection of what happened, the local mayor's office reported that the community is holding an artistic sit-in at this time to express its disagreement with what happened.

The community through artistic expressions and messages invite peace and the fight against violence, that was the way they found to raise their voice and to ask that events like these cease. In the activity, the inhabitants expressed sadness through expressions such as: “no more violence”, “we don't want people hurt, peace is for everyone”.

“The community of Arborizadora Alta says yes to peace and coexistence. Expressions and drawings of children and adults calling for reconciliation were taken over the walls of the CAI in the area. Ciudad Bolivar is a territory of harmony!” , said the local administration.

Bogota Mayor's Office

The event was also attended by the mayor, Claudia López and, in addition, a mass was held in commemoration of the victims of what happened, this as a form of solarization with the families of the affected people.

“We continue to serve the affected Arborizadora Alta community and we are with the entire Bogotá Mayor's Office in local PMU monitoring the situation. We are here to protect them and ensure their safety. Bogotá Rejects Violence and Colombia Demands Peace,” Lopez said.

Likewise, a post was held for public health, psychosocial care and teams of the Public Prosecutor's Office. And they reported that the Personería and Ombudsman's Office will remain in Arborizadora Alta guaranteeing attention and response to community concerns and rights and accompanying grieving families and all affected families.

The mayor also clarified that “IDIGER will replace damage to housing and school infrastructure. We have information on 66 affected homes. Today we will have the full report and they will all be restored this week. Meanwhile, the Arborizada High Sede B school will have virtual classes”.

Given what is known about the perpetrators of this attack, López assured that the police have no proof or confirmation of those responsible for the explosive device in Arborizadora Alta or the one that occurred in Sierra Morena. What they do know is that the modus operandi was the same and he stressed that “We offer a reward of up to $300 million to find those responsible.”

“Bogotá has always united against violence and for mutual care. We will not allow violent people to take over our territories. The CAI, 160 additional police, social, health and reconstruction teams will remain with the community of Arborizadora Alta/Ciudad Bolivar,” the official added.

It should be noted that the authorities confirmed that a 12-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl suffering from brain death would be the fateful outcome of an attack on the CAI. Likewise, a video of a security camera is circulating on social networks showing the exact moment at which the events occurred. Thus, it was possible to establish that at 7:16 at night the flash of light was seen from a far corner of the police post.

This is a fact that has shocked the country, and hours after learning what happened, President Iván Duque visited the place and said, “Together with the Ministry of Defense and the National Police, we visited the CAI of Arborizadora Alta in Bogotá, after today's cowardly attack with explosives, to coordinate the investigations and find those responsible. Colombia as a whole rejects terrorist acts against our public forces and the community.”

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