“The Mexico City Prosecutor's Office acted facciously against Alejandra Cuevas”: Movimiento Ciudadano

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation will deliberate on Monday the appropriateness of an amparo that will determine the release of Cuevas

Fotografía de archivo del 06 de mayo del 2020 que muestra al fiscal General de la República, Alejandro Gertz Manero. EFE/Mario Guzmán/Archivo
Fotografía de archivo del 06 de mayo del 2020 que muestra al fiscal General de la República, Alejandro Gertz Manero. EFE/Mario Guzmán/Archivo

The federal deputies of Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) signed a letter in which they condemned the performance of the Attorney General's Office of Mexico City (FGCDMX) regarding the investigation into the death of Federico Gertz Manero, brother of the head of the Attorney General's Office (FGR).

“The Mexico City Prosecutor's Office is responsible for the factious use of justice: it committed the manufacture of crimes against Alejandra Cuevas and Laura Morán,” the statement released by the orange bench on Sunday, March 27, reads.

In this regard, they noted that the legislators of this party are confident that in tomorrow's session, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) will rule in favor of the immediate release of citizen Alejandra Cuevas, a victim of abuse of power, the factious use of justice and the manufacture of crimes by the Prosecutor's office of the national capital.

Alejandra Cuevas is deprived of her liberty accused of a wrongful death (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

In this context, the bench argued that the SCJN has a historic opportunity to demonstrate the use of the judicial apparatus and the injustice of the preventive detention of which Alejandra Cuevas is a victim and of which thousands of people are victims in Mexico. So his position was fixed against the alleged action of Alejandro Gertz Manero, prosecutor of the Republic.

According to the project proposed by Minister Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena, which will be discussed this Monday, March 28, “the facts found do not allow finding the body of the crime nor probable responsibility attributable to the complainant.” They therefore hope that the ministers will speak out for the immediate release of Cuevas and the arrest warrant against Laura Morán will be canceled.

The Public Prosecutor was accused of intervening in the courts (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Finally, they assured that they will be pending the SCJN ruling and the facts that denounce the abuse of the FGJCDMX and will continue to legislate to replace prison with fair and truly useful sanctions.

It should be recalled that, at the juncture that generated this case, Alejandro Gertz Manero went to the premises of the Senate of the Republic to appear before the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) and the Justice Committee, in order to be able to deal with this and other issues of the FGR's work. In this regard, Ricardo Monreal, president of Jucopo, gave a series of statements to the media in which he assured that the appearance was carried out with respect.

In addition to discussing the Cuevas case, issues such as violence in Michoacán, legislation under the Federal Penal Code (CPF), protection of victims of violent crimes, illegal espionage, and Gertz Manero's trust in his position were discussed. On this last topic, Morena's also leader in the Senate assured that this House continues to trust the prosecutor of the Republic.

