From the mountains of Colombia, to the mountains of Bogotá: 'Miss Maria' was left on the street

The former partner of María Luisa Fuentes, the protagonist of the documentary 'The Mountain Skirt', took away her property in Boavita, Boyacá


Remembered for the documentary that catapulted her to stardom a few years ago, María Luisa Fuentes, the trans woman the whole world knew as 'Miss Maria' has experienced moments of difficulty when the person who was her partner completely left her on the street, leaving the comfort of her farm located in Boavita, Boyacá.

A video released by the program 'La Red' on its March 26 program shows one of the claims that the woman makes to her former partner, Richards Varela. The peasant woman who was born as a man, but who during her lifetime preferred to identify herself to society as a woman, in addition to living in isolation, was also repeatedly rejected and that was the basis for her documentary released in 2017.

In 2018, a year after her story became recognized, 'Señorita Maria' confessed to Caracol Televisión's gossip show that she had finally found love in the arms of the designer, who assured that the next step she would take with María Luisa Fuentes Burgos would be marriage.

However, the love story took other directions when the designer deceived the woman into taking away her property amid the ingenuity and ignorance of legal proceedings, and the only wish that Maria Luisa Fuentes has is that he give her land back to her.

“To give me back my deed, that guy deceived me... he told me 'do the favor and sign here', I signed him, and then he told me we go to the notary office, the reality for me was a deception that that character did to me because he told me 'do the deed to me to buy his apartment' and the reality is that I let myself believe”, 'Miss Maria' said to 'The Network'.

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Although the protagonist of the documentary was already living with Varela, in Bogotá, after having carried out the procedure at the notary's office for the transfer of your land in Boyacá, the treatment began to be different.

“I cooked for him, washed him... he started to treat me badly, go away! , filth, filth”, were the words that Varela said to María Luisa. Faced with these events, 'Miss Maria' had to leave the apartment where she lived with the designer in the town of Suba with Richards.

Seeing himself in that situation, he set out on his way to shelters and other homes, where he was finally able to reach a house located in the south of the city, there he lives on the charity of the people who give him help to pay the monthly payment on the spot.

“About 8 days ago I went to him and told him that I was going to make that claim, why he does this to me, to which he said 'Ay Maria, I'm going to call the police', then I answered: 'You know what Richards, call her'... and there he called the couple he has now and between them they laid me to the ground, they took me out to the street, dragged like a dog,” the woman said.

It is worth mentioning that in the Caracol Television program they contacted María Luisa's ex-partner, who was left to attend an interview to clarify the situation, but ultimately missed the appointment. Likewise, as a result of a thorough investigation, the property of 'Miss Maria' is not in her name again and she is mortgaged in the name of a third party.

