89% of Colombians are working in person: Dane

In addition, 91% of students have already returned to colleges and universities in the country

Foto de archivo. Mujeres trabajan en una fabrica de camisas en Bogotá, Colombia, 16 de diciembre, 2009. REUTERS/John Vizcaino
Foto de archivo. Mujeres trabajan en una fabrica de camisas en Bogotá, Colombia, 16 de diciembre, 2009. REUTERS/John Vizcaino

The National Department of Statistics (Dane) presented the results obtained in the Social Pulse Survey last February. This measurement is done to determine the perception of Colombian families on issues such as employment, the economy, violence and the management of the pandemic, among other issues of national relevance.

One of the figures provided by the study reveals that the country is returning to working life as it was known before the pandemic: 89% of the heads of households in Colombia who are working already do so in person. In addition, 91.9 per cent of people who study are also attending schools.

Even so, the January measurement trend continues: 51.96% of Colombian workers never want to do it remotely again. In addition, 54.9% say that none of their work tasks can be done from home.

On the other hand, although the percentage of people who spent most of their week working increased by 3.3% during this month, 29.7% of Colombians believe that job opportunities in Colombia will decrease dramatically over the next 12 months. The percentage increases among young people between 10 and 24 years old, among whom the figure rises to 33.3%. This compared to 36.9% of those who think it will remain the same as today.

Likewise, respondents to the Dane survey have a bad forecast on product prices: 69.7% believe that this will increase a lot. The most concerned about the increase are adults over 55 years of age; the percentage among them increases to 72.9 per cent.

This figure is accompanied by a slight decrease in the percentage of people who receive three meals or more daily: 2%, which increased to 26.8% of Colombians who eat only two meals.

Regarding the economic situation in the country, 33.2% of people surveyed believe that it will worsen in the next year and 13.6% more believe that it will do so seriously; compared to the previous year, fatalism in this area has increased by 6.8%.

However, pessimism has diminished over the country's economic situation in the past few months. 57.6% of people believe that it has worsened, but it is 18.2% less than in February 2021.

Enthusiasm has also fallen when it comes to the ability to save. 75.1 per cent of Colombians cannot do it, compared to 17.9 per cent who do so and 6.9 per cent of people who do not receive income.

29% of Colombians believe that their ability to save part of their income will worsen in the next 12 months; it is 1.9% more than a month ago and 7.3% more than a year ago. In addition, 84.9% of Colombians believe that they will not have money to go on vacation in the coming year.

