Visual challenge: find the insect among the honey in just seven seconds

97% of people who tried the following psychological test failed. Challenge yourself and show that you are able to make a difference to know your cognitive skills.




A new viral challenge for you. Viral puzzles have levels, some are very easy to perform, others are somewhat complicated, but there are the most complex ones like the one we present below. This is an image where you will have to find the insect among the honey in record time.

You must remember that this type of notes always helps you, either one way or another, to improve your cognitive ability, how you perceive things and your mental agility. Although it sounds a little strange, tests like the one you will see below are vital to refresh the mind in times of stress. Therefore, your mission must not go beyond the parameters of what the test asks of you.

Pay attention to the jars of honey that are there, because among them all there is an insect that can spoil everything. Try to do it in the time indicated by the statement. If you were looking for an entertaining visual challenge, you came to the right place. Remember that below you will have the complete solution in case you doubt it. Test yourself and have fun. Best of luck with the challenge.

Insect honey visual test
Visual challenge: find the insect among the honey where 97% fails in 7 seconds. Photo: Genial.Guru.


Did you manage to solve the riddle? Did you like the honey? Well, beyond the sweet, it is important to know the results. In that vein, at this point, we believe that you have already found the solution, so we have no choice but to congratulate you again.

However, if not, don't worry, because just as there are easy challenges, there are also those that make it more difficult for us. Therefore, the mission is to show the complete solution so that on a new occasion you will know how to solve the psychological test. The insect was on the lower left side of the illustration, and it was a fly.

Don't forget to share it with your friends or family so that they seek to refresh their hearts in times of loneliness. Remember that there are more viral challenges that always mobilize the opinion of Internet users on social networks. Try them out and define if it's your thing.

Visual test honey insect solution
Solution to the visual challenge: here is the insect among the honey. (Photo: Genial.Guru)


These are a series of activities, which can be of various subjects, such as mathematics, riddles, relationship of objects, among others. The purpose is to arouse people's interest in finding answers in a playful way, as well as allowing us to put into practice basic knowledge that we learned at a certain point in our lives.


Logical puzzles are pastimes or games that consist of finding the solution to an enigma, finding the hidden meaning of a phrase only through intuition and reasoning. That is not by virtue of the possession of certain knowledge.

The difference with riddles is that they pose the riddle in the form of a rhyme and are generally aimed at children's audiences. They are mostly used in a humorous way.

In addition, a riddle is an enigma that emerges as a game and requires the use of insight to find a suitable solution.

There may be different structures in them, some of them show a rhyme; others, on the other hand, focus on establishing a logical problem that requires the skill and analysis for a successful resolution.


