Video: Aida Victoria Merlano witnessed suicide attempt in Barranquilla

The influencer was leaving the gym when she witnessed an event that left her quite shocked and assured that she required psychiatric help


Mental health problems are perhaps one of the diseases that most afflict people in the last decade, however, with the arrival of the pandemic they became more visible due to the confinements we experienced during more than half of 2020. In addition, the lack of public policies, the harassment that young people experience on social networks and social pressure, have led some people to resort to suicide, before seeking any solution with professional help.

Recently, influencer Aida Victoria Merlano witnessed a delicate situation as she left her training at a renowned shopping center in Barranquilla, when a young man tried to take his own life. After that, the influencer proceeded to tell the anecdote in her 'InstaStories' and clarified that the person who had decided to jump was not her brother and that everything happened casually.

I was walking with a friend and diagonally to us a boy threw himself, when he was on the floor and they put him on the stretcher, they called an ambulance and I said that he was going to be late in arriving, that my car was in the parking lot and that was why I accompanied him, but in the end they took him on foot because the clinic was nearby, but it was only I didn't know that,” Barranquillera explained through her official Instagram account.

Later, the content generator took the opportunity to send a message to all the young people who follow her on her social networks in which she added that “brave is not that she carries everything, but the one who knows when to ask for help”.

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He added that you can't be a superhero because in real life, as happens on several occasions you can't do everything, that a brave person is not the one who puts all the problems of his relatives on top of him and that when a person says “I need help, I can't handle everything”, that's where bravery is really shown.

And he continued to relate an experience he lived: “I had a time when I saw everything black, really, I didn't see light anywhere, I asked for help, I went to the psychologist, to the psychiatrist, I took my medication... and then I came out of it, to this day neither psychologist nor mediation and I live wonderful things that I say: 'Thank God I didn't give up. '”

Finally, his message concluded with a phrase dedicated to all those who are going through a situation of difficulty and see taking their own lives, an easy solution without thinking that leaves behind them destroyed people and families incomplete.

“Even if you don't see the light today, I swear you're going to get out of there,” concluded Aida Victoria Merlano in her 'InstaStories'.

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Here is the full content of Aida Victoria Merlano:

The reactions soon appeared, as the gossip portal 'Famous from A to Z' was responsible for replicating the content of the barranquilla influencer, which reached 38,000 views and nearly 650 likes by Internet users. Among the comments, some criticisms stand out because Internet users say that every time something happens around them, they tend to set an example with one of their experiences.