This is the taco robot that slices meat like never seen before

The machine was designed by a German company that has it for sale to the general public




“The future is today, old man”, or at least that's what a meme says when there are scenes like this: A taco robot that finely slices the meat of a spinning top so that it is placed inside tortillas, bolillo or whatever the diner prefers.

This is a robot called Der Gerät, manufactured by the German company Aldakur RobotSystems, which automated the process of slicing a spinning top of meat. Its objective is that staff are not exposed to direct heat and portions of meat can be taken directly for preparation, in addition to “ensuring pleasant and hygienic work”.

It was originally created as a robot for kebab, a Turkish dish that, like tacos al pastor from Mexico, use a spinning top to cook the meat and then serve it.

In Germany, the kebab is supposedly a popular food, which is why they managed to create the automated device. According to the official website of the robot there are several sizes, one is designed for a maximum weight of 160 kilos, although there is a small one of 60 kilos.

“To begin with, the automatic kebab slicer independently and reliably prepares portioned kebab meat for sale. Thanks to its simple operation, it is no longer necessary to hire personnel for shaped cutting”, says the device sheet.

However, in the images that have transcended on the Internet it can be seen that the kebab robot, which could well be used for tacos, is very slow to do its job. Social media users haven't been able to overlook that detail.

“In my view, simply one vote for taqueros every day makes me happy. There can certainly be robots but there are things that can't be replaced in the end,” said one Twitter user.

taquero tacos technology
(Photo: Screenshot/Der Gerät)

“I imagine a modification where you put some pineapples on top and a band of tortillas below that capture the perfect amount of meat. The salsa is still manual to the taste of the diner,” said another user of the social network.

And it is that in the images you can see how the spinning top is spinning as the blade goes up and down to slice the meat that falls on a tray, however, the users themselves have not avoided comparing this work with that of a human, assuring that taqueros, “make art”.

“Enjoy the work of art,” one user said to a video of the taquero robot. To make a comparison, he shared the video of a human taquero who quickly slices the meat that falls into the tortilla, and with a total calculation, cuts the pineapple that falls exactly in his hand and without needing to catch it.

taquero tacos technology
(Photo: Twitter)

MAN vs THE MACHINE and 1 PIÑA”, another Twitter user joked about the skill of the robot and that of the taquero. “There are things that technology shouldn't get into,” said another.

This intelligent sensor robot, optically integrated, can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without a break, and according to the company's calculations, it can slice 300 kilos of food a day. It is also advertised as a toilet and has a reduced expenditure of up to 40% on gas.

Although it is sold to whoever can afford it and transport it, at least Internet comments point out that they prefer meat and blood taqueros, who in addition to having great skill and speed when preparing tacos, are part of the local culture.


