They gave 11 years in jail to the rapist police in Jalisco and faces 4 more trials

In addition to 138 months of imprisonment, he must also pay compensation for the damage to the victim who was first threatened with a firearm.


Celio H., who was a member of the Jalisco State Police, was sentenced to 11 and a half years in prison for the crime of rape committed in Zapopan.

According to the report of the Jalisco Public Prosecutor's Office, the second policeman committed the crime on July 25, 2019 on a farm in the Villas de Guadalupe neighborhood, where he entered a home deceiving that he was being persecuted.

Once inside the building he took out a firearm and threatened the woman and then took her to a room, where he abused her and eventually fled the place.

Subsequently, the victim filed his complaint with the Unit for the Investigation of Crimes against Women and Gender-based Crimes.

After investigations, they managed to arrest him, prosecute him and provide the necessary evidence to sentence him to 138 months in prison. You will also have to pay for the repair of the damage. However, four more accusations weigh on him, according to the ministerial unit.

Information in development...
