Sergio Gutiérrez Luna defended himself by the nickname of PAN deputy: “Keep making me a trend”

The president of the Chamber of Deputies held a discussion with a female deputy who called him “Gutierritos”, which caused widespread mockery

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 13JUNIO2019.- En el marco del tercer día de los trabajos del Foro para la Reforma del Estado y Electoral, el diputado de Morena, Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, coordinador del Grupo de Trabajo para la Reforma del Estado y Electoral, encabezó la mesa de análisis titulada ‘Sistema de fiscalización y austeridad de los gastos como principio’, al que asistieron especialistas en la materia, a fin de presentar propuestas y debatir el tema en comento. FOTO: CUARTOSCURO.COM

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, became a trend after a legislator called him “Gutierritos” in the middle of the session.

The situation occurred after Congresswoman Maria Elena Pérez-Jaén asked Gutiérrez Luna not to address her as “Deputy Pérez”, since her full surname is Perez-Jaén.

In view of the omission of her request, the member of the National Action Party (PAN) attacked the president of the Chamber of Deputies with his controversial nickname, which was recorded on video and later went viral on social networks.

“Deputy 'Gutierritos, 'I asked you, I am María Elena Pérez-Jaén Zermeño, from the National Action Party, in favor. I already asked her that I am Maria Elena Pérez-Jaén Zermeño, thank you.” To which Gutiérrez Luna responded visibly annoyed: “Congresswoman, there is no request to that effect and I ask you to address this presidency with respect.”

Hours later, the nickname given to Gutiérrez Luna became a trend through numerous comments in which they mocked the way he called it.

In the comments you can read They inform me that deputy #Gutierritos also known as @Sergeluna_S bothers that they tell him #Gutierritos, so please don't tell #Gutierritos to #Gutierritos” or “Understood, I won't say #gutierritos to deputy gutierritos anymore because I don't want him to get angry because we call him gutierritos” between others of the same nature.

Sergio Gutierrez Luna and Maria Elena Perez-Jaen
Sergio Gutiérrez Luna tried to justify his annoyance through a message on his social networks. (Photo: Twitter/ @Sergeluna_S)

Others mentioned that she was taken but was not tolerated by the deputy's request to say her full name.

A video was even published showing at the end of the short exchange, a fragment of the 1960s soap opera: Gutierritos.

But on March 25, Gutiérrez Luna shared a video response to the viralization of his nickname.

“Today for the second day we are trending on Twitter. The far right believes that calling someone “Gutierritos” can be offensive... One thing is protocol in the House and another thing is that classism pretends to believe or pretend to make us believe that surnames are offensive in themselves... "said Gutiérrez Luna calmly.

“There have been many Hernandez, Gutierrez, Lopez, Ramirez... very proud. And of course the Perez, greetings to everyone, for now we are going to continue working,” said the president of the Chamber of Deputies.

Sergio Gutiérrez Luna
(photo: Twitter/ @Sergeluna_S)

Finally, he indicated that he was in Veracruz and took care of the situation saying “Keep on making me a trend, it gives me a lot of publicity, thank you. And yes, I am Gutierrez.”

Apart from the comments in support and denial, there were also those in which they recalled the series of the sixties and indicated that being called “gutierritos”, rather than classism, the nickname referred to servility and meekness.

“They describe an unquestioned, crouched, and little, well-understood 'state of servility' of certain government employees... Maybe that is why the 'ardor' so extreme ', why not?” , commented on their video.

In Gutierritos, the protagonist was an anti-heartthrob, played by Rafael Banquells, who suffered the constant humiliation of his wife, children and office colleagues, which was a success at the time. It is also for this reason that a broadcast of the series is planned.

The series, which set a standard in the stories of the emerging genre of the soap opera, was also a sociological phenomenon that introduced colloquial speech to denote men perceived as vulnerable and lacking character. Although it was currently replaced by “Godinez”.

