Sarah Nichols spoke about sexual abuse allegation against Pascacio Lopez: “I'm looking for a conviction”

The actress mentioned that at first she did not act legally because fear paralyzed her




After Pascacio López was linked to trial in recent days for the crime of rape. Sarah Nichols, the actress who reported him to the authorities broke the silence and told how she met her alleged aggressor.

It was in an interview with Ventaneando, where the artist remarked that everything happened when both were on the recording of the series Guerra de Vecinos. In this regard, Nichols deepened that he didn't have much to know Pascacio when the abuse had happened.

“I actually played a small character in the first season. It seems to me that it was from the first day of work, it was a Friday that we recorded and that day I met Ana, I met Elyfer, I met Vanessa, I met Mark, I met Loreto, I met Charrito, I met Pascacio, and they were telling me that because of COVID they couldn't even have access to the pool or the gym”, he began to tell.

In this regard, the actress mentioned that upon learning about the restrictions that had been due to the pandemic, she decided to make an invitation to the cast, so that everyone could have a place to talk.

Pascacio Lopez
The actor is currently in prison (Photo: Ig pascaciolopez)

“Then it became like the most natural thing in the world for me to say 'ah! , I have an outdoor terrace, 'and I invited them to my terrace to live together during the course of the shoot,” said Nichols for the program hosted by Pati Chapoy.

The actress deepened that after that, only two days later was when the alleged rape by Pascacio happened. In addition, as to why she continued to work after the abuse, Sarah remarked that it was because she didn't know how to react.

“I naively believed that nothing happens, I can block myself. Not only to others, but I can block myself. Lock it in a little box in my mind and keep it up to the back, because right now what I have to focus on is working, because the worst thing that can happen to me is that on top of everything it destroys my career that I have struggled so hard to create”, he explained.

Pascacio Lopez
Other celebrities have indicated that they are also willing to denounce Pascacio (Photo: Instagram/ @pascaciolopez)

Nichols delved into the fact that fear paralyzed her and, although she tried to continue her life, the traumatic event did not allow her to be quite well, so she decided to go to a psychiatrist and receive help.

“From the first session I remember perfectly that he began to say to me: 'Hey, don't you think you should report? ' , and I'm like this: 'no, I can't, I'm not ready, that's going to be awful, 'that is, I had a horrible image of the process,” she confessed.

Later, the young woman talked to her parents about what happened and left Mexico for half a year, but the emotional affections surpassed her.

“Suddenly my career was no longer a priority, I had no energy for interpersonal relationships, I became very isolated [...] I want there to be a conviction because that is justice, because I began to recognize that if I didn't speak I was allowing this man to be disguised as a decent human being and allowing him to probably continue hurting more people,” he said.

Because of these factors, Sarah Nichols felt the urge to be her to share the abuse and report it to the authorities.


