Infobae: find out what are the lucky colors for each zodiac sign

Know which color vibrates best with your sign and use it to your advantage with the information we bring you in the following note.


Just as we all have a preference for some colors, horoscope signs also have colors that favor them, as they allow their talents and abilities to shine in a special way.

According to astrology, colors transmit energy and according to this combined with the energy of our sign they can bring us more luck than others. For example, they can help us to strengthen our intuition, to give us security and much more.

If you want to find out what are the lucky colors of each sign that will help boost your talents and abilities, continue reading the following note.


Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and is also known as The Red Planet. For this reason, the color red awakens the soul of Aries and enhances passion, energy and initiative. It is the color of emotion and affirmation, which supports the active nature and enthusiasm for life that Aries has.

In addition, the color red demands attention and Aries is a sign that does not like to be ignored. The more shades of red are surrounded by Aries, the greater their natural powers can be.


Green helps nourish the spirit of Taurus and reinforces its connection with nature and growth. This color represents growth and Taurus is a sign of absolute progress.

The return of green in spring helps to further improve its connection with this sign, especially in the northern hemisphere where this season coincides with the season of the bull.


Yellow helps to elevate the spirit of Gemini and triggers curiosity and bright thoughts. This color is inspiring and life-giving and vibrates in the exciting and optimistic nature of Gemini.

Like the sun, yellow brightens and brightens everything around it. It is also said that yellow is the color of the mind, because it helps to improve the mental powers and focus of the zodiac twins.


White and silver connect with Cancer's intuition and give you a clean and clear slate, because just like the surface of the water or the shiny face of the Moon, silver and white are colors synonymous with intuition and purity.

These increase the sensitivity and understanding of Cancer, allowing love to flow at its deepest level.


The sparkling gold empowers Leo's warm heart and strengthens his positive spirit. Gold has always been a symbol of power and prestige, so it is not uncommon for the king of the jungle to be moved by this expressive tone.

In addition, gilding gives the lion the attention it wants, while at the same time supporting its generous nature and warm, optimistic outlook on life.


Green and brown are considered classic, natural colors to keep Virgo grounded and focused on their continued growth.

Brown represents stability, while green is associated in nature with growth and strengthens the difficult situation of Virgo's entire life towards self-improvement.


Pink and light blue help open Libra's heart and soften its presence. These pale tones bring a calming and pleasant presence to the personality of the balance.

Light blue symbolizes a cool, subtle breeze that increases clarity and balance, while pink calls Libra's sweet and loving nature.


Black is known as a dark and mysterious color, this makes Scorpio intensely inquisitive and focused on transformation. Likewise, black represents the depths where the Scorpion resides and strengthens its urge to look beneath the surface and question everything.

In Western culture, black color is associated with death and rebirth, this enhances the ability of this sign to transform.


Purple is the color of spirituality and consciousness, so it pushes the philosophical mind of Sagittarius towards enlightenment and openness.

It is also a color of abundance that encourages the natural luck and positive nature of Sagittarius, prompting him to continually broaden his horizons.


Earthy gray and brown help Capricorn find the strongest and most practical path in life. These colors are strong but at the same time neutral, so they enhance the solidity, reliability and traditionalism of this sign.

A combination of extremes, black and white, gray enhances Capricorn's conservative nature and sensible approach to life. In addition, brown represents stability which can greatly benefit Capricorn.


The ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus and it is also identified with blue. Therefore, this color helps to foster the bright ideas of Aquarius and balances its restless and mobile energy.

Like the sky and waters with which Aquarius is so closely connected, blue represents the immensity and creates a fluid flow of ideas, conversations and experimentation.


Light green brings healing and renewal”, for Pisces. In addition, it helps you connect with your subconscious.

Being the color of life, light green represents renewal and inspiration, fostering the healing and rejuvenating energies for which this sign is known.

