In Colombia, about 300 thousand doses of the vaccine against covid-19 are being applied daily

After a drop in the number of vaccines applied in the national territory in the last three weeks, the national vaccination plan is strengthened again

Una enfermera pone una vacuna del fabricante Pfizer-BioNTech contra la Covid-19 durante una jornada de vacunación para personal médico, en la Plaza de los Artesanos, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/ Carlos Ortega/Archivo
Una enfermera pone una vacuna del fabricante Pfizer-BioNTech contra la Covid-19 durante una jornada de vacunación para personal médico, en la Plaza de los Artesanos, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/ Carlos Ortega/Archivo

This Saturday, March 26, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection reported that after a drop in the number of vaccines applied in the national territory in the last three weeks, about 300 thousand doses of the vaccine against covid-19 are again being applied daily.

In the development of the Unified Command Post number 125, the Deputy Minister of Public Health and Service Delivery, Germán Escobar Morales, stressed that these results come after the adjustments that have been made to the National Immunization Plan.

Likewise, the official indicated that there is still a significant gap to close second doses or complete schedules. For this reason, he called on the secretariats of health of the municipalities to start implementing strategies in order to increase the number of people receiving biological medicine against covid-19, together with MinSalud.

“The call for the secretaries of Health is to continue the effort, and that they count on the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to differentially review vaccination in those municipalities that are lagging behind, to implement extramural strategies,” added the Deputy Minister of Public Health and Service Delivery.

There are already more than ten million third doses applied in Colombia

During the PMU in which Germán Escobar Morales delivered this balance sheet on vaccination in Colombia, he also assured that more than ten million booster doses have already been applied in the country.

With this picture in terms of the national vaccination plan, the official of the Ministry of Health added that there is a positive trend in terms of epidemiological terms and that hospital occupancy is not high.

Leaving the mask in open space has not adversely affected

The deputy minister explained that the country is currently at a low level of contagion, both at the community level and hospitalization at the three levels of complexity.

“In that vein, as we have seen in recent weeks, we have been below 400 cases a day throughout the country, and most importantly, in daily deaths we have remained below 20 in some days,” Escobar said.

For the deputy minister, this is important news for the country, “because it is demonstrated that measures such as the non-use of masks in open spaces (in municipalities with more than 70% immunization with complete schemes), have not had a negative impact on community transmission and that it was a decision based on scientific evidence ”, he said.

Positivity, on the other hand, remains below 5%, after having peaked at the Omicron peak of 40%. “However, we have to continue with measures within enclosed spaces and maintain all epidemiological surveillance,” the official said.

