Fiorella Cayo defends her sister Stephanie from criticism: “She worked since she was 9 years old”

Fiorella Cayo came to the defense of her sister Stephanie Cayo after the harsh criticism she received for starring in the first Peruvian film for Netflix.


Stephanie Cayo has been in the eye of the storm in recent days after the release of 'Until we meet again', the first Peruvian film to be made exclusively for Netflix. The performance and statements made by the actress were not to the public's liking, so she received harsh criticism.

After the bad comments she received on social media, the member of the talented Cayo family came out to defend herself, assuring that nobody gave her the role and that all those people who were just talking badly about her and Peruvian cinema should get to work.

Likewise, her sister Fiorella Cayo, who is also an artist and lives in Peru, did not stay silent and went out to defend her, noting that Stephanie has worked since she was 9 years old, so she has managed to stand out in film thanks to her effort and perseverance.

“These have been days of great expectation, congratulations, thanks and also criticism from people who believe that they have the right to say that we are a privileged family. We can question, but not judge, as if their truth were the only one. It is one thing that we are hardworking and we have been taught from a very young age to work our talents and earn everything at the point of effort and perseverance, and quite another is that we have had it easy,” he wrote.

We didn't have anything easy, as some people would like to believe. Except Stephanie, who worked since she was 9 years old. There are no rings. There is strong work and human relationships that form over time with the same values and the same ideals: to share the best we can of ourselves and to give positive meaning to everything we do. Because it's not important what you do but the meaning of what you transmit and achieve with your work what makes it great,” he added.

Fiorella Cayo came out in Stephanie's defense.
Fiorella Cayo came out in Stephanie's defense. (Photo: Instagram)


Stephanie Cayo has not only had to deal with the criticism against her, but also the producer of 'Until we meet again', Bruno Ascenso. The actress assured that the young film director is a great prospect in her work and that social media users should dedicate themselves to other activities before writing negative things.

Better start doing things for yourself and leave my friend Bruno alone, who is a wonderful writer and director. I repeat, if you are going to talk, show me something that you have done, (something in) that you have sacrificed your life, that you have fought for years and then we talk. Nobody gave us anything. Get to work,” he said.


Magaly Solier rejected the harsh comments they have made about Stephanie Cayo in recent days. “Everyone has their own way of thinking and seeing things. I don't get into the thinking of people who say they don't represent us. Not all Peruvian women are the same and we don't all think the same way, we have to respect that.”

