Cercado de Lima: criminal dies after falling from motorcycle after storming a brewery

The criminal and his three companions had stolen S/18,000 soles from the business. The accomplices of this crime did manage to escape.


In the early hours of this Saturday, March 26, a criminal died while trying to escape after storming a brewery. The incident happened in block 2 of the Paruro shirón, in the Cercado de Lima. Even so, the criminals managed to take S/18 thousand soles.

According to the Police, the deceased, I along with 3 other people on board linear motorcycles, entered the premises to rob. The criminals then tried to escape, but when the criminal tried to get on one of the vehicles he fell on the pavement and hit his head heavily. The other 3 subjects did flee the scene.

The subject was identified as Idelso Rosales Cano, and criminal experts and prosecutors arrived on the scene to conduct the relevant investigations.

The owner of the premises has filed his complaint at the San Andrés police station, and the case will be referred to the Dirincri.


The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Chávarry, together with other authorities from Metropolitan Lima and Callao, declared to both regions in state of emergency. The measure seeks to control and reduce crime levels for a period of time in which strict control over the population will be governed.

The measure announced on February 3 was only going to be in effect for 45 days, during which time the population must respect certain measures stipulated in the Political Constitution of Peru. However, the Executive Branch decided to extend the state of emergency in Metropolitan Lima and Callao for another 45 calendar days to as of March 20, by Supreme Decree 025-2022-PCM.

The above-mentioned decree indicates that during the period governing the measure adopted by the Executive, certain constitutional rights will be suspended, as stipulated in paragraphs 9, 11, 12 and 24 of article 2 of our Constitution, such as the right to liberty, inviolability of the home, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement in the national territory, among others. About these, it is important to note the following information.


This is a measure that, according to the Political Constitution of Peru, can be decreed by the President of the Republic with the agreement of the Council of Ministers and must only be for a certain period of time. Depending on how the authorities believe it, it can apply for the entire national territory or to a single specific sector.


Right to liberty: subjects of rights may engage in any kind of activity, which involves the exercise of other fundamental rights other than freedom, as long as they do not violate with it the norms that make up public order, good customs and those that are imperative in nature.

Inviolability of domicile: Rights subjects may prevent any other person from entering their home to carry out investigations, searches or other grounds if they do not authorize it or when third parties do not have a court order. They may not prevent it, however, in the event of a flagrante delicto or very serious danger of its perpetration.

Freedom of assembly: Subjects of rights may group, congregate or assemble, without prior notice, both in private places and open to the public as long as they do so peacefully. On the contrary, meetings in public places or roads require advance notice to the authority, which may prohibit them only for proven reasons of safety or public health.

Freedom of transit within the national territory: The subjects of rights, in principle, can move freely, within the national territory in which they have their domicile and also outside it, which implies being able to choose where to live. Except for health reasons or by court order or by application of the Aliens Act.
