Animal adoption days during the weekend in the country

In several cities around the country, there will be days to give pets a home. The initiatives are organized by different foundations, mayors and other groups in the public and private sectors.

Fotografía de un perro durante
Fotografía de un perro durante la jornada de celebración de San Roque y el Día de los Perros, hoy, en el Parque de las Culturas en La Paz (Bolivia). EFE/ Stringer

In the main cities of the country you can find fairs, conferences or points where you can come and apply for the adoption of dogs and cats. In some of them you will also find days of free vaccination, sterilization and/or medical evaluations.


The Institute of Animal Protection of Bogotá, today March 26, is advancing a day where they offer medical brigades, animal photography workshops, animal behavior attentions, cinema forum, rabies vaccination among other activities in the CAI of the Santo Domingo neighborhood of the town of Ciudad Bolívar.

Also, in Maloka there will be an activity with rescue and rescue dogs in the interactive museum. The event will be accompanied by the Bogotá Firefighters who will bring to the event puppies trained to rescue living beings in emergency situations and also, eight dogs and two cats will be present to be rescued in an adoption day headed by the Institute.

Tomorrow, March 27, an adoption day will be held at the facilities of the Animal Care Unit (UCA), located at Carrera 106a #67 -02.

For adoption you will need:

· Photocopy of the citizenship card.

· Photocopy of a public receipt not older than two months.

· Collar and scraper in case of adopting a dog, as well as a muzzle when it is a breed of special handling.

· Special guacal when it is a cat.


This Sunday, March 27, in Parques del Rio, the Mayor's Office of Medellín will hold the day of adoption of canines and cats, “A heart to your measure”, between 8:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon, with a varied program that will offer among others: commercial and recreational offers for families and their pets.

The “adoption” is the opportunity for those who want to offer a new home to these beings who have suffered abuse or neglect and have been rescued by the La Perla Animal Welfare and Protection Center, which are registered through the information system - MICHIP, are vaccinated, dewormed and, once they regain their status of health and ready for their adoption processes.

“This Sunday, March 27, we want to invite all of you together with your families to a great city event, we will have a great adoption in which approximately 120 pets will be available to find a new home. We want to invite all of you to Parques del Rio from nine in the morning to four in the afternoon, in which I am sure that we will all find a heart that suits you,” said Environment Secretary Juliana Colorado Jaramillo.

In addition to this activity, La Perla has the WhatsApp line 3117963457 for people to make their requests.


Adopt a friend for life, is the initiative carried out by the Alcadía de Pasto, which will take place on Sunday 27 in the La Aurora park, Unicentro sector, from 1 in the afternoon. These days will be held every month, in order to give a new opportunity to animals in conditions of abuse, neglect or that live on the streets of the city.

The activity is carried out by the Administration, the Secretariat of Environmental Management and the Animal Welfare Center (CBA). Mario Viteri, Secretary of Environmental Management, said: “The days of adoption of dogs and cats have been scheduled to take place every month throughout the year in the different parks and strategic points of the city.”

These days of adoption also seek to raise awareness among citizens about the abandonment and abuse that some dogs and cats are subjected to in the city.

It should be noted that each day has particular requirements for carrying out the adoption processes. Attendees are advised to have patience and availability, as these days may require some time to complete the respective procedures, in order to formalize the processes.