Visual test: place the sad men in the following image in 10 seconds

Be part of the people who managed to overcome this mark in finding the subjects with a sad face so that you know your cognitive abilities. Put yourself to the test.




A new viral challenge for you. Viral puzzles have levels, some are very easy to perform, others are somewhat complicated, but there are the most complex ones like the one we present below. This is an illustration that you will have to answer in just 10 seconds so that you know your cognitive abilities in your current situation.

It is a visual challenge where the illustration shows it on several occasions, but you have to find sad people, who are few but at first glance they don't find themselves. Along these lines, you must update your clinical eye in order to pass the test without making mistakes. Below you will find the solution to the psychological test where you will know how it went with the test.

Don't worry if it's not what you expected because the important thing is to share the moment and be entertained in times of pandemic in the face of emotional uncertainty. Therefore, have fun with the test and know those dark secrets. Good luck.

Visual riddle faces
In this picture there are sad men. Can you locate them in 10 seconds? Photo: Televisa News.


In case you have passed the test, congratulations on what you have achieved. However, if you didn't get any found men, no problem. Remember that is what the solution of the visual puzzle is for in order to support you with psychological tests. Know the solution.

In that sense, the answer was simple: in total there are two sad men in the picture. You just had to look at the top left side and the bottom right side to find them without any problem. It's okay if you weren't able to find them. We are aware that the viral challenge is difficult to overcome. We leave you the illustration of the solution so that you know in better detail the location of the faces.

Don't forget to share it with your friends or family so they can enjoy more psychological challenges and thus refresh their minds in case they need a little peace for daily life.

Visual riddle faces solution
Here are the sad men. Photo: Televisa News.


These are a series of activities, which can be of various subjects, such as mathematics, riddles, relationship of objects, among others. The purpose is to arouse people's interest in finding answers in a playful way, as well as allowing us to put into practice basic knowledge that we learned at a certain point in our lives.


Logical puzzles are pastimes or games that consist of finding the solution to an enigma, finding the hidden meaning of a phrase only through intuition and reasoning. That is not by virtue of the possession of certain knowledge.

The difference with riddles is that they pose the riddle in the form of a rhyme and are generally aimed at children's audiences. They are mostly used in a humorous way.

In addition, a riddle is an enigma that emerges as a game and requires the use of insight to find a suitable solution.

There may be different structures in them, some of them show a rhyme; others, on the other hand, focus on establishing a logical problem that requires the skill and analysis for a successful resolution.


