Vaccination to stragglers from March 29 to 31: what are the places to receive your dose

Oliva López announced that care will be given to anyone who needs their first vaccine or complete their schedule

Un joven sufrió un ataque de epilepsia previo a recibir la vacuna de AstraZeneca durante el inicio de jornada de vacunación a población de adultos jóvenes de 18 a 29 años en la alcaldía Cuauthémoc, teniendo como sede la Biblioteca Vasconcelos, Ciudad de México. Agosto 10, 2021. Foto: Karina Hernández / Infobae

Despite the fact that the numbers of people hospitalized by COVID-19 have kept falling in recent weeks, the Mexican government recommends continuing the application of vaccines as another measure of protection against the virus that has affected millions of people around the world.

In this regard, the Secretary of Health of Mexico City, Oliva López Arellano, announced what dates and locations will be considered to continue with the laggard vaccination plan.

Through a press conference, López Arellano reiterated that they will continue with the same areas, where vaccination units have been installed to provide care for all people who have not been vaccinated for some reason.

In this sense, all those who want to get their first dose, or complete their vaccination schedule, may show up during the days established for it. According to the information, all age ranges will be taken into account.

The vaccination day will be for 3 days. Photo: Karina Hernandez/Infobae

What are the vaccination dates?

Tuesday, March 29, Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 of the same month, will be the dates established for all interested laggards to receive the corresponding dose.

According to Oliva López, vaccination units will be installed in two different areas of the City. About 4 vaccines will be considered, depending on the age range and date.

What are the venues?

*Weapons room

-First dose to people over 18 years old.

-Second dose to people over 18 (Sputnik vaccine).

-Reinforcement to anyone who is 18 years old and over (Sputnik).

-First and second doses to young people aged 15 and 17.

-First and second doses to young people aged 12 and 13 with comorbidities.

-Second dose (Vaccines: Pfizer, Sinovac, AstraZeneca and Sputnik)

All interested parties must bring their vaccination record and an official identification or photocopy.

A nurse gives a first dose in CDMX. Photo: Karina Hernandez/Infobae

How to download the file?

*Login to my vaccine platform. Here

*Subsequently, you must fill out the data form and at the end the sheet will appear with name, CURP and registration sheet.

*The file must be printed and the remaining data filled in with a pen.

Health authorities also recommended attending during the indicated dates in comfortable clothing and preventing any weather situation, since the vaccination units are outdoors.

For her part, the health secretary announced this morning that the CDMX epidemiological traffic light will remain green thanks to the numbers of hospitalizations that are going down, as she stated that the number of people admitted to the Valley of Mexico, at yesterday's cut, is 316, a good figure compared to a few months ago.

Regarding daily hospital admissions, he stressed that: “we have the lowest income of the entire pandemic.”

According to the figures he presented, at least 19.4 average earnings per day were currently recorded during the last week. “This is a very important fact and consistent with the decline that has taken place since the fourth wave.”